Chapter One

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Faint voices drew Abby out of the darkness that had consumed her. Her eyes snapped open, immediately searching for Clementine. A small group stood over her, arguing, I suppose it had something to do with her. "Clem-" She began but was cut short by a gun going off a few inches from her head. She scooted away from the boy who had shot, he wore a plain baseball cap and held his rifle tightly. "Woah. Woah. Woah. What the fuck?" Yelled a man bursting out the cabin door, Clementine trailing behind him. "Abby are you okay?" Clem whispered, rushing to her friends side. "I... I think so..." She stuttered out, trying not to show her pain though, she failed miserably.

"I can't believe they locked us in here!" Clementine exclaimed quietly, she was referring to the shed they were both currently standing in. "We'll be okay. I'll be okay..." She tried reassuring the both of them but she wasn't very convincing, Clem gave her a sad smile, letting her know that she wasn't gonna be okay. Abby sat down, pulling her knees to her chest. "Abby? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Clem asked worriedly. She slowly walked over to the girl, stopping in front of her to crouch down. Abby nodded and wiped the stray tear that had made its way out of her blue eyes. She didn't want Clem to she her cry, not now... Not ever... "We should try an get some rest. That Doctor guy will check on us in a few hours." Abby sniffed, laying her head down on her knees. Slowly she began to drift off.

"Anna get up." Abby told her younger sister, who was still laying on the floor of a convenient store, the girls had took shelter in. Anna groaned, turning away from her sister. "Anna, please?" Abby begged, shaking her slightly. "Why? So I can eventually watch you die too?" Anna snapped though, she got up and began to pack her things. Abby gazed at her, opening her mouth to speak. "Just stop. Please. I've heard it all before." Anna sighed, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She walked out without another word. "Anna! Wait!" Abby hollered after her sister, jogging to catch up with the girl.
"Anna, there's no other way. We're gonna have to jump!" Abby yelled in a panic as walkers began to surround the two. "I... I can't." Anna told her, tears evident in her eyes. "Yes you can." Abby stated firmly. She grabbed her wrist and turned to her. "Okay on three." Abby said. The girls began counting but just as they reached three and Abby jumped to the next building, Anna jerked her hand away. "I love you Abby!" The young girl shouted just as Abby landed on the other roof. Abby watched as walkers tore into her sister, taking the life from her. "Anna... No.... No!" Abby sobbed, falling to her knees.

"Abby. Abby, wake up." Clementine gently shook the girl from her sleep. Abby wasn't looking too good and neither was the bite on her arm. She had lost a lot of blood, making her dizzy and pale. "What- what's going on?" Abby asked, glancing around. She noticed a small hole in the back left corner of the shed. "Clem? What did you do?" Abby asked suspiciously. "I'm helping you." She told her, adding, "Now lay back and bite this." Clementine handed her a white rag, Abby sighed but latched her teeth onto it. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch." Clem said, causing Abby to let out a low giggle through the rag. The peroxide wasn't as bad as she let on, what really hurt was the stitching. Abby's muffled screams were still quiet loud, even with the rag in her mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly as Clem jabbed the needle further in than it should have been. "Shit. Sorry." Clementine said quickly. She tied a knot in the string and bandaged Abby up. "Thanks Clem." Abby huffed out, trying to catch her breath. Clem smiled at the girl and stood up, just as she did a walker crawled in through the hole, she had used to escape from the death trap. "Shit. Clem, here!" Abby yelled, tossing the young girl a hammer that happened to be laying beside her. Clem bashed the walkers head in and helped Abby up. "We have to get out of here, there could be more." Clem whispered, trying not to attract any more attention than they already had.

Just as the girls started to make their way to the hole, the shed doors swung open, revealing the group from earlier. "I'm still not bitten!" Abby screamed, eyes narrow with hatred toward the group. It's one thing to leave her out there to die but it's another thing to leave Clementine with her. "You patched yourself up?" The one in front asked, Abby noticed he was the man from earlier, the one who had saved her. Man, did he look like a heartbreaker. "Did they steal from us?!" Exclaimed the pregnant woman, she gave the two a disgusted look. "Yes. We did and I'm sorry." Abby said, she hung her head low. In all honesty, she wasn't proud of Clem for it but, she knew that she wouldn't have made it into the morning if it wasn't for those supplies Clementine had stole. "Bring em' in, I'll take a look at her arm." The doctor sighed, walking back towards the cabin. Everyone followed except for their savior. Before the boy could say anything, Abby had already slung her arms around him. She hugged him tightly, breathing in his scent, she let him go. "Thanks." Abby breathed out, a small smile on chapped lips. He gave her a smile back and the three walked to the cabin together.

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