Chapter Two

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"Abby, wake up." Luke's voiced lured Abby out of a dreamless sleep, she sat up looking around. Once she realized where she was, Luke's bed, her eyes widened. "I slept on the floor." Luke chuckled as if he had read her thoughts. She nodded and slipped out from underneath the warm blanket. She noticed that she wasn't wearing her black hoodie, it had been replaced with a long gray long sleeve shirt. "So um, not to seem like a one night stand or anything but what the hell happened last night?" Abby asked, the handsome young man as she rose her eyebrows. Luke chuckled again but sat next to her on the bed. "We just talked for a while and you complained that you didn't really wanna sleep on the couch alone so I told you, that you could come upstairs with me, then we passed out." Luke told her. "But... The shirt..?" She questioned, looking down at it. "I thought ya might want something to sleep in, you should keep it though, looks better on you." Luke said, a smirk playing at his lips. "Well uh... Thanks Luke." Abby smiled, she brought him in for a small hug.

"Oh. You're still here." Rebecca, the pregnant woman stated, as Abby placed the last dish in the drainer. "Listen I'm sorry, for whatever I did to you I truly am." Abby told the woman. Abby meant it, she really didn't know what she had done to offend the poor woman but whatever it was she was sorry for it and was determined to make it up to her. That was when Rebecca broke out into a fit of sobs. "I just don't know what to do." She cried, her whole body shaking as she did so. Abby pulled her in for a hug and let her cry into her shoulder. "It's okay Rebecca, it's okay." Abby told her softly, she tried to make her voice soothing, hoping to calm Rebecca down. All that stress wasn't good for her or the baby. Abby helped her sit down but crouched in front of her. "You wanna talk about it?" She asked as Rebecca cries softened. "He might hear me." She said shaking her head. "What about if we take a walk?" Abby suggested, assuming Rebecca had been talking about Alvin. She nodded and the two stood up, walking out the back door. A little ways from the house Rebecca spoke up. "I don't think it's his baby." "What?" Abby asked, not understanding completely. What had happened before her and Clem had come there. "I don't think it's his." Rebecca said softly, never meeting Abby's gaze.

Rebecca stopped walking and turned to face Abby. "You can't tell the group I told you this..." She said, sniffling. Abby nodded, murmuring a quick, "I promise." Rebecca began walking again, Abby sticking by her side, eager to hear her story. Rebecca took a deep breath before starting. "A couple weeks before we met you and Clem, we were with another group, not to far from where we are now. We had been there for a while, it was stable, we had to work everyday but, it was safe. The leader, a man named William Carver, was once a good man but over time he started going crazy. I... Made a mistake... I slept with him. Alvin and I had been trying for years to have a baby... It's Carvers baby..." By the end of her story Rebecca had stopped once again, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. "You can't tell Alvin... He'll kill me." Rebecca began to cry more. Abby found a log that had fallen over and helped Rebecca sit down. "I won't but, I think you should. He won't kill you Rebecca". Abby told the woman. Rebecca sniffed, looking up at the young girl. "We should head back before the group begins to worry." Rebecca stated, standing quickly. She place her arm on Abby for support. "Becca, you okay?" Abby asked, concerned for the pregnant woman and her baby. The woman nodded and the two continued their journey back to the house.

"Bec!" Alvin exclaimed as the girls entered the house. "Are you okay? What happened?" He questioned Rebecca, checking her for any wounds. "Abby and I just took a walk, felt like I needed some fresh air." Rebecca told him, a small smile on her lips. "Where's Luke? I need to talk to him." Abby asked Alvin, who just seemed to shrug her question off. Abby sighed and began to explore the house, searching for the handsome boy though, he was no where to be seen. "Luke?" Abby called out causing it to echo through the large cabin. No answer. "Luke...?" She tried again, once again, no answer. Where the hell is he? Abby had given up on finding Luke at the moment, deciding to take a nap. She made her way up the stairs and into the room she had slept in last night, Luke's room. She crawled into his bed, breathing in his earthy pine scent. It didn't take long until Abby fallen asleep, curled up, safe from the world... Or so she thought...

Abby was perched in a tree, binoculars to her eyes, she was scouting ahead. A couple walkers roamed the empty town but, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, it looked empty. Abby jumped from the tree to the ground, landing on her feet. She walked back over to the small group she was staying with. "Clear." Abby told them, causing the leader Marcus, Abby's lifelong friend, to turn to the others and say, "Load up. We're moving out."  The boys Aiden and Kyle nodded, grabbing their bags. Kiera, the girl however seemed to protest but, to be fair she had been shot in her right shoulder, by some assholes who tried to rob them. Lucky for them they got away before anybody was killed. "There's buildings. A couple walkers but nothing we can't handle." Abby told the group, mostly looking at Kiera. This would be the perfect chance to get supplies and possibly set up a camp. Kiera sighed, giving in to Marcus's demands.
As the group enter the town, four men, the same men who robbed them before, began to approach them, guns held high. "Weapons down and hands up." The one in front said, he seemed to be the leader, his fur coat made Abby think he had a good set up, not to mention the revolver, and the two Ak47's, and the shotgun the rest of his group members carried. "Nah, I think we'd feel better if we kept them on us." Marcus said firmly, hands at his waist ready to whip it out and shoot them dead. Marcus was a good shot but did he really have the guts to kill a living breathing human? "Smart. I like you already." The man in the fur coat said with a smirk. A chill went up Abby's spine causing her to shake. "What do you want?" Marcus stiffened as he said this. The man smiled again, circling around the small group. "Well for starters put your weapons down and my men won't shoot you dead right now." He said, his voice was deep and scratchy, it kinda sounded like he was from one of the Northern states. Marcus nodded at the group, making them immediately do so, they put their hands up and one by one the men searched them, taking all their food and water, hunting knives, books, bullets for their guns.
"Abby. Abby. Abby!"

Abby woke from her all to real nightmare to Luke shaking her. "Luke?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow in confusion. "Clementine and Pete are missing." He told me, his voice was calm but his eyes said something different. Abby say up quickly, rushing for the door, she had fallen asleep with her shoes on, just in case something like this happened. Abby rushed downstairs and into the kitchen where, Nick, Carlos, Alvin, and Rebecca stood. "What the hell is going on?" Abby asked, eyeing the group, mostly Nick. "Walkers come out of no where, Clementine got away with Pete." Nick told her, causing her to nod. "Alright let's go find them." Abby said rushing to the door only to be pulled back by Luke. "No. Nick, Alvin, and I will go." Luke told her. She sighed but gave in, knowing he wanted her to keep an eye on Rebecca and Sarah.

A little while later Rebecca and Abby were sat at the table in the kitchen playing a game of poker. "Alright I'll raise ya by two matches, a band aid, and five granola bars." Abby said smirking at Rebecca, who just laughed and said, "Oh you're just bluffing." As the girls went to flip their cards over Clementine burst through the door, out of breath. "Clementine!" Abby exclaimed, jumping up and rushing to the girl. She engulfed her in a quick hug before Rebecca intervened. "What happened? Where's the guys?!" She yelled, beginning to panic for the safety of her husband. "We were down by the stream, walkers attacked us, Pete got bit." Clementine rushed out, still out of breath. "Carlos get the guns!" Rebecca shouted, Carlos rushed out of the room to get them. "Luke, Nick, and Alvin went out looking for you. I told them not to go. Fucking Luke!" Rebecca rambled on until Carlos came back, handing her a gun. "Clementine, Abby, keep an eye on Sarah, we'll be back in a bit. Lock the doors and don't let anyone in." Carlos told the two who nodded. "You can trust us." Clem told him. He nodded smiling a bit, then exiting the cabin. I locked the kitchen door after he left and follows Clem upstairs to Sarah's room.

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