Chapter 00 : Ikhtitaam

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please read the intro part if you've skipped it.
also as i mentioned there, this prologue is just a scene narration, nobody's POV, and characters named here are not the main leads.



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【 00.


Ikhtitaam 】


[ Ikhtitaam • the end ]


OFFICER ADAM STONE stepped out of the dark blue car, allowing the dark of the winter morning to envelope the vehicle as his shrewd eyes analysed his surroundings in a single sweep.

The ambulance was on standby, waiting until the crime scene was thoroughly dealt with before having to fill the two body bags that had been brought to the site.

Adam allowed his feet to carry him over to the yellow tape, the brightly coloured banner creating a perimeter not only around the bodies but wrapping around a majority of the area that the Crime Scene Unit must have decided was worth carrying out a full search in.

He caught his partner's eye, and Juanita Romero began walking towards him.

“We find any way to ID them yet?” Adam Stone asked, meeting Juanita halfway and looking down at the two bodies that were sprawled on their front, faces pressing into the dirty snow. “Driving license? Passport? Anything?”

“Didn't need to,” Juanita said, tapping her fingertips on the front of her slacks while both her thumbs remained shielded within the pockets of it.

“Whas' that s'pposed to mean?”

Juanita sighed, her breath white in the freezing weather, and then beckoned with a tilt of her head, gesturing for him to follow her as she lifted the tape and ducked under it, stepping into the section that was now restricted to the public until further notice.

Adam followed her into the crime scene, stopping only when his partner bent down in front of him and took a hold of one of the victims, turning them over so that he could take a look at their face.

“Jesus Christ,” he muttered, a headache already forming when it hit him just how much pressure he and Juanita were going to be receiving as lead detectives for this case.

“Yeah,” Juanita exhaled as she gently placed the body back in its position and stood up to her full height, “Jesus Christ indeed.”

“And the woman?” Adam asked. “Don't tell me it's the wife.”

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