{4} (Language warning and SINN ;> lol)

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Rust's POV:

God, I feel much better now that's out of the way. Oh, wait... what if my sister finds out? Oh god. We're gonna get noise complaints because of her fangirling. I walked into my house and to my surprise, Kash was standing there looking at me. I gave her a 'Whaaaaaaaaat??' look and she asked "Where have yooou beeen? Have u been on a daaate? PLZ TELL ME U HAVE SOMEBODY'S NUMBER. Lol. Oh, also can I borrow ur phone so I can use twitter because my phone seems to have a grudge on twitter lol so...." Without thinking anything of it, I gave her my phone. That was a mistake.

Kash's POV (A lot of poor grammar in her POV bc I can):

I went onto Rust's phone and looked through his contacts and OMGEE HES GOT A..... a BOY IN HIS CONTACTS!??? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?? He never told me that he was gay!! OMGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I screamed as loud as Albert when he gets scared in his vids. "What's wrong?" my cousin asked in a worried tone and I yelled "U HAVE A BF HOLY TEMMIE FLAKESSSSSS I WANNA SEE U TWO FUCK!!!!! THAT'S AN ANGLE I WOULD PAY TO SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" I stared at my cousin as his face reddened. As I read out the fanfic I made of him and his senpai, I noticed something - He had a bulge in his pants. I burst out laughing and giggling, so yeah I was pretty much dying. "What are you laughing at?!" He said to meh. I just pointed. He ran upstairs to his room and I think he was uh... Jerking himself off? I think. I could hear soft moaning. I was holding back the loudest fangirl scream ever heard by a human before. I NEED MORE LEMMON(ADE). I began to write some more beutiful sin in mah one-shots book. This is gonna be fun.

Albert's POV:

After I got into my house, I saw Lana and gave her the magazine. I put all of the groceries away and sat down only to fall asleep a few minutes later. I had a dream where me and rust... S.I.N.N.E.D. I don't really know why but I enjoyed it.

Lana's POV:

I noticed that Albert had fallen asleep and silly him, he left his phone unlocked. I snuck over to him and took it from his hand. I took a look through his phone because why not? I looked through his twitter and sent a tweet, and I went through all of his social media. I then stumbled into his contacts and messages.

As I scrolled I found this contact named 'Papi ;)' and I clicked on the messages. There wasn't much there but it was adorable how He called... wait... I looked at the picture and I saw this handsome guy who had a girl's head leaning on his shoulder. They looked quite alike so I assumed that they were related. After a minute of reading the catalog magazine, I heard Albert moaning. Then he screamed "H-HARDER!~~~" I couldn't hold it back anymore. I laughed hysterically and to my surprise, Albert kept dreaming his dirty dream. After that, he yelled "D-ADDY!! HARDER!" then about 3 minutes after that, Albert was yelling again "I-IM GONNA-" And you guessed it, he actually cummed. Not just In his dream. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS SISTER. I was laughing so hard I became slightly light headed. 10 minutes passed. Albert woke up. When he saw I was staring at the stain in his pants, his face looked like a tomato, definitely putting his shirt to shame. I then said, "And could you tell me who 'Daddy' is because you were kinda moaning and all of that in ya sleep." Albert mumbled a name and I just caught what he said - "Rust." "Wait, that myth dude? OMG. YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WERE GAY? BI? IDK! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!"

Albert's POV (F.L.U.F.F):

Why did I leave my phone unlocked? Ugggh this is why I hate life :'> Anyway, I ran upstairs to my room, changed my pants and Face-timed rust. Somebody else answered the call. They looked like a relative of rust and they whispered "Lol I'm rust's cousin. And uh... just listen...." Then they opened rust's door the slightest bit. I could hear rust moaning my name... WAIT... was he.....OMG. I was a blushing mess. I whispered back to Kash "I'll be back" And hung up.

I entered rust's house (because the stupid bitch left the door unlocked lol) as quick as I left my own and I ran upstairs to his cousin. I fake moaned "R-RUST~~" and Rust hid under the covers and stopped. I was hella confused. Kash swung his door open and screamed "SENPAI B HERE!!!! WHEN WILL U GUYS KISS?? AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHEN WILL U FUCK!!!??" then she whipped the duvet off of the bed to reveal rust... He looked like he was in heat or some crazy shit like that 

"WHY KASH!? WHY ARE YOU RELATED TO ME!?" "Idk. Ask God. O wait, he gave up on humanity. lol." I just giggled at Kash's silly reply. Rust was just sat there hugging his knees, rocking back and forth and saying "This isn't real.." over and over. 'THIS IS MY CHANCE :> I SHALL SMOOCH A HAWT BOI!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' I thought to myself. I'm so immature lol. I walked over to rust and sat in front of him. I gently brushed my hands through his fluffy white hair. After a minute of that and Kash fangirling, I made him look at me. His face looked like a tomato which I thought was adorable. I was going to kiss him but he smashed his lips against mine. Oh. mah. lord.


(Skip to 1:24 for the song)

Rust's POV:

I smashed my lips against Albert's. I couldn't take it anymore. He seemed surprised because of my swift actions at first, but he melted into it and kissed back after. Kash was fangirling and I'm pretty sure she was recording. I licked Albert's bottom lip asking for an entrance and he gladly accepted. I searched every inch of his mouth that I could. We both pulled away for air leaving a string of saliva between us. This triggered my lust. 

I pushed Albert onto his back and pinned his wrists above his head, putting myself between his legs. Kash left the room and I could hear her run down the stairs and slam the front door. I took my concentration back to Albert. He said "Please b-be gentle... This my first time..." "Ok, I'll be gentle mah lil cinnamon roll~~" 

I ground against him and earned a few moans "Aaaahh..~" I slowly moved my tongue to a random spot on his neck. The spot I licked and left hickeys on was Albert's sweet spot, which made him moan louder and turned me on even more. I slid one hand underneath Albert's shirt making him shiver. I played with one of his nipples and whatever. Then Albert said in-between moans and panting, "JUST F-FUCK...ME ALREADY R-RUST!~~" I let go of Albert's wrists and said "Call me Daddy... and your wish is my command~~" I slid his pants and boxers down to reveal his member then pulled my own pants and boxers down and threw them somewhere aimlessly. I got my lube out and put it on my hands, then my dick. (...MAH DICK FELL OFF.)

I lined myself up with Albert's ass then said "This'll hurt at first but you'll get used to it~~" and I thrust in. He yelped in pain but soon that pain became pleasure. I went at a slow pace then Albert moaned "F-FASTER!!~" so I thrust into him faster. Albert moaned "H-HARDER!!~" I could feel Albert moving his hips in time with my thrusts every now and then, telling me he was desperate. "Beg~~" "I'VE WANTED U FROM THE S-START A-AND YOUR SO FUCKING SEXY AND ATTRACTIVE... AND I FUCKING LOVE YOU, R-RUST!!! PLZ GO HARDERRRRR- Aahhhhhh..~" And with that, I went deeper and harder, hitting his prostate. "R-RUST I'M GONNA-" "I-I am too!" and we both cummed.

I layed underneath Albert and before we could do anything else, the door got slammed open by two fangirls - Kash & Lana.

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