Pancake ;>

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I'm outa ideas ;-; so yeah have this.

Albert's POV:

I woke up early in the morning because some ignorant shit was banging on my door. I was just about to get up when my door was somehow broken down. "ALL U SINNERS STAND UP SING HALLELUJAH!!!" the person standing in the doorway screamed at the top of their lungs. I ran downstairs to see this random ass bitch with the longest hair ever in the fucking doorway "WHAT THE FUCK!?? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!??" "Uhhh... sorry wrong house..." the girl said and slowly backed away from the house. "AREN'T U GONNA FIX MY DOOR!?" "Nah." "WHY NO... and why u look so disappointed!?" "Bc... ITS MAH PARTY AND I CRI IF I WANT TO!!" she sang.... this bitch was fucking weird. And then she walked off with my broken door. I was fucking bewildered. I was stood in the doorway trying to process what happened and if it was real or not.

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