Bumping in

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I didn't go straight home. I went to the market, too buy food, cause that's what you need to make a dish. I decided to make a simple meal if you could call it that. I will be making steak and fries. It happens to be a very popular meal in France. It seems easy enough to make, along with a few side dishes to make it seem fancy. I first picked up the meat, then some potatoes and onions.

I've never really seen myself as a good cook but I had to learn. Back when I was in the......other world I guess. It doesn't matter now, I'm in this one and I'm happy here. I started picking out some vegetables to eat cause I already know Naruto is barely eating any.

I took a minute to realize that...I really AM the mom friend. Oh well, it isn't so bad, it's kinda fun when he isn't doing dangerous things. Which, as we all know, will be coming up maybe next week.

After picking up the ingredients, along with some other foods like onigiri, I made my way home to start the meal. The walk back to my apartment was pretty peaceful with the sun setting and all. It puts me in the mood to paint but of course, I don't have the talent for that. Believe me, I've tried and it's messy like, abstract art, not knowing what the heck is going on, type of messy. I mean it's always fun to try once in a while.

I stopped an noticed that I was by the lake when Naruto and Duckbutt saw each other as kids. Come on you guys know the one, I'm gonna assume that you guys remember. The horizon scenery was gorgeous, of course, it was, it's anime. Even here things don't last forever, but that's why you have just enjoyed them. I continued walking back home bumped into none other than the tomato lover himself.

He looked at me in a weird way, and then his eyes began to shift. From the bag of food that was in my hand, to my outfit, and then back to my face. "What?" I asked him. "Are you cooking or something?" He questioned me with a raised eyebrow. I nodded at him slowly before continuing on my way. A hand was on my forearm making me stop, and pulling me back to in front of, guess who? "Is there a problem?" I asked him, this time raising my own eyebrow. "Is it just you?" he asked. Is he showing, EMOTIONS?!?!?! Someone call fox news.

Wait I gotta be serious now right? What do serious people do? Respond stupid. "uh no, Naruto is coming over and we're gonna have a sleepover, why?" I responded. He furrowed his brows, a tell that he was thinking. I WANT to read his mind but that's rude, there's no real reason too. " Is your dog gonna be there?" he asked. I shook my head no. She went back to her world for personal reasons, something about the order of power. There was another silence that kinda annoyed me.

"I gotta go, I'll see you later yeah?" I said before walking off. I was a good five steps away before I felt a taller presence beside me. "Can I help you, sir? You're acting off today and its kinda freaking me out. "I'm coming with you, I don't want you to burn your apartment down. You, cooking is a safety hazard." he scoffed with his hands in his pocket. I huffed while sticking my tongue out at him. "I'll have you know I'm a good cook." I huffed.

"If your cooking is anything like your aim, I wouldn't hold my breath." He responded. "I was distracted, and it was ONE time in training. You can't hold that against me." I yelled back quickly at him. We continued walking in a comfortable silence.

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