Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Josh Hutcherson

Chapter 4

(six years pass)

Josh and I have been growing closer ever since he said he would spend more time with me. He has been so cute, just cuddling in bed or on the couch, watching one of my favorite movies. One night I was leaning on his chest and I heard his heart racing, and of course I am a socially awkward nerd, so I informed him "did you know that womens heart rates beat faster than mens?" and he said back "really when?". Then I said "oh you know whenever" and I winked at him then realized he was winking back at me at the same time. I blushed and looked away, then he got up, picked me up, grabbed my shoes, brought me into the bedroom, and set me down on the bed ever so gently that I could have fallen asleep right there in his arms. Then he asked "are you ready?" and I was so tired that before I could say for what, I was already asleep. I can't believe it and then the next morning he was gone. I feel like I had a good sleep but I wish he was there with me and my lips were chapped so I went to the bathroom then I put on a robe and tried to look for one of my hundred chap sticks. The only one I could find was the cherry one on the night stand, where I found a note that said "I love you bae, pancakes in the fridge, I have a surprise for you, and I had a good night!, did you sleep well? I hope so ;) ". Oh my God now I am worrying what the surprise is about about. I mean I hope I am not pregnant again but you can't tell from one night and he was really tired to so what?. Before I could finish eating my pancakes Josh comes storming in the door with Tatum!!!! OMG my girl is here I can't believe it. Next Josh asks "what do you think?" and I say "well I don't know how you got her so fast or why but I love her and you and I am glad you guys are home, by the way where is Anikan?". Josh says "I knew you would ask that, well it turns out Tatum was with my brother and Anikan is still with Grandma" and then I suggested, "oh ok well let's do something like go to the park", and he smiled and said "that would be nice".

Did I mention that Tatum is nine now and Anikan is eleven. God they are growing up so fast and Anikan got a new phone. He now has a blackberry that has texting now and a full phone but within reason I mean we are not like those overprotective parents who stalk their kids' texts, but we do want to make sure he is safe. I also don't want Anikan to date before he is ready I mean he is ten years old and he wants to start checking out girls but he doesn't actually know what he is looking for, I guess that's Josh's job. Our dogs are about middle aged now Ember is ten and Driver is fourteen but we still love them more than ever, and they are still really hyper, Ember Massey is pretty much my dog but for some reason Tatum and Ember decided to be inseparable since Tatum was a baby, so she is kind of her guardian protector who follows her around. However Driver is Josh's dog so he goes wherever he goes. Of course Josh brought Ember too because how could he not and I think Tatum's favorite person in the whole world is me, but aside from that Ember is really her best friend. Tatum is really shy and not the best at making friends, again not like me or Josh because we are anything but shy, but maybe she will get better when she grows older. Josh and I decided that Tatum should stay with us for a week then send her back to Conner. For that week we had some great fun and we sight saw all over Kentucky, and it was the right time, so we actually went to the Kentucky Derby, Oh My God almost the best day I have had in a while, and it was really fun for us to bond with Tatum as well, because we almost never get to see her. I went with Josh to bring Tatum and Ember back, it was like six pm and we hadn't eaten yet so he said "Hey bae wanna go get something to eat?" and then I said "let's go to the club" and then he replied excitedly "OMG yes that was my original plan but I didn't know if you were up for it" and I said " we shouldn't drink much but yeah we should go".

At the club we went had some chicken Fahita's, and played two rounds of bowling which he was really good at obviously because he suceeds at life, no seriously. Then we had a few drinks over like three hours of dancing and I have to say that was one of the first and best dates I have had since we got married. I love kids but I also feel like sometimes they tie you down and you can't just runaway with your hubby, well maybe we can because of our situation, but most people can't. I really want to run away to an island with Josh, it would just be us, and we would get drunk and do whatever and carry on and we would wear our swimsuits most of the time, we'd have a boat with a real bathroom and a real bed, but who needs a bed we could just cuddle up in the warm sand in the day and party and drink at night. OMG this is my fantasy, and we would just either lay around or go on the boat (it would be huge) and film cute couple videos or we would change and go on long hikes through the forest which we would both love too because of that love for nature we have. Did I tell you that I am completely obsessed with guys in plaid and whenever I see a guy in plaid especially JOSH OMG OMG so damn hot I can't take it. One time I woke up and I was in Josh's plaid shirt (which was way too big), I just about melted, and his strong arms were wrapped around me that I never ever ever again wanted to leave that moment!!!!!! Then he woke up and kissed me ever so slightly on the forehead and I rolled over onto him and just kissed him really lightly. Then I ripped off his shirt and I jumped off the bed and teased him with it, then I walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day and the rest of the day was pretty normal, but I will never forget that.

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