Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Josh Hutcherson

Chapter 2

Still living my life in Katniss and Peeta mode. I really don't know what Josh's deal is because he is super good at his job, and he even acts romantic towards me in the interviews. He tries to kiss me and make it look real all the time. This is strange but about a month ago I got told by my agent that at this point in my acting career that this is good that Josh is acting this way to me because, she thinks that if I get pregnant again then it might spoil part of my acting career. Seriously why is she telling me this, does she want my life to be miserable. I just want to go back to the good days when Josh's love was real for me and we were eighteen and having fun all the time and free being able to do whatever we want and have kids when and if we wanted to. I mean seriously what if I wanted to have a role in a movie as a pregnant lady. I could also make my pregnant lady character look totally fake so the people don't actually know I am pregnant. After I told all of this to Josh, he said things would change, he said that he would spend a lot more time with me and even if we shouldn't have kids, we both agreed that we should spend a lot more vacation time after we finish the Hunger Games series.

We should spend more time with the kids than we have, I mean they probably miss us as it is, and we miss them to so we think that at least one of us should be with them for sure at all times. We finally have Mocking Jay part one in the can and we should be starting part two in a few months, but they are giving us a break to visit home. When we finally arrive home we surprise Anikan by waking him from a nap, and I surprise Tatum by picking her up from Kindergarten. Anikan is now five and three months and Tatum has just turned three. I can't believe my kids are growing up so much, the last time I saw them Anikan was starting Preschool and Tatum could barely walk. I was so excited to see them, and Josh got this great idea to give a five year old a cell phone. I really think that Anikan became the youngest kid ever to get a cell phone, I mean I didn't get one till I was fourteen years old, even Josh got his late. Of course there is not internet or texting on his phone, and it's one of those really old one's (a flip phone if can you believe it!) so he can just call us if he needs to or nine-one-one and he understands that talk already.

Did I say that we have two dogs because we do, one is Ember Massey a Bernese Mountain dog female, and the second one is Driver a Pitt Bull/Lab mix Male dog. I hope Tatum doesn't grow up too fast because I don't want to have to worry about what guy she is with at school, or getting all kinds of attention, just because her parents are famous actors. I also hope she doesn't get her period early because I don't want to worry about birth control or anything like that, I just want to see her the way I saw her the second she came out of me, innocent and beautiful. I am not sure that hair color is a genetic thing because Tatum came out having a full head of blonde locks and neither one of us has blonde hair, but I love it despite all of that. Anikan on the other hand is a perfect mix between Josh and I. He has those big brown puppy dog eyes like Josh, but he has my personality. He was also born a week after my twenty-second birthday so that means we have the same star sign as well. I got married nine days after my twenty-first birthday, and Anikan was born a little late. Tatum on the third hand was born on Josh's brother Conner's birthday (isn't that a kawinky-dink!) but yet she doesn't look like either one of us. I still wonder about the week she was made and I have no idea what Josh did, but I still intent to find out.

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