Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Josh Hutcherson

Chapter 3

           Things have been getting better between Josh and I, another year has passed and we are almost finished with Mocking Jay part two. Josh is being extremely irresistible to me in our temporary apartment. He kissed me on the lips so hard one night that he almost scared me awake and I asked "you sure you want to do this", and he replied seductively "sure, baby steps", I said" I love you so much", and he said "I  love our family so much". I guess Josh has always been about making a family and keeping the close bonds with the people he cares about, he is a Libra afterall. When I woke up I was engrossed in a whole pile of covers and I smelled two things one, the bacon from the kitchen and the other, Josh's Cologne all over me, ahhh what a good night I thought to myself. All of a sudden I hear Anikan snoring and think, what the heck, that is impossible he is half way across the country. Josh told me the previous night that he would be leaving in the morning to go to France to touch up one of our scenes for Mockingkay part 2. In comes Josh with my breakfast, of course he is shirtless. He also hears Anikn snoring but he hears it and acts like it's normal to him. Turns out it's Anikan on face time on Grandma's Laptop on Anikan's dresser in his room. Josh tells me he has been recording our son sleep for a while, of course I was like well that's not weird at all. I do think that I know Josh means well, but when Anikan gets older he will be highly embarrassed, but I also think that he actually might not be just because Anikan has a special connection with his dad, he always had, even when he was a baby and crying in his crib he always preferred Josh over me, if I tried to help him he would only keep crying. You know what they say, The first child always has a special connection with the dad and the second child with the mom, and of course that's true because Tatum will always be my beautiful baby girl no matter how old she gets.

            I think I love Joshua again the way I did before. Mocking Jay part two is finished and he has made a promise that no other movie or character will mess with our relationship or our family again. I told him that it better not then kissed him while he played through my hair with his strong hands. He said "do you love me like you did the night we met?", and I said "of course how could I not." Then I started to actually remember that day distinctly. We were at interviews for the Hunger Games and after we both tried out, we started talking about how it went, and he offered to buy me coffee. Of course I said yes because, I fricking LOVE coffee and it turns out he did too so we went on a few coffee dates after final meetings with the directors and such, and then when I finally got called that I got the part, I was called in right away and guess who was there...Joshua. My honey bear awww my love. I kissed him for the first time that night I was so excited and I figured we might as well date since he is gorgeous and we will be doing it in the movie making sooner or later because that's what always happens. It felt good to have a boyfriend again and not just another boy friend if you know what I mean. I grew up with alot of boys and men in my family I mean I have three brothers and one sister, and I never got to talk to my sister very much because she was always running away with some dude or "off to college" as she would tell my parents. I seriously don't think she has gotten through college once. Back to Joshua, by now he said "let's go to bed", so we did...

              I woke to my favorite, well our favorite boy band group LFO, and they were singing their song Summer Girls. Josh made my french toast the way I like it and I had to gobble it down because today was my day with Josh, he says he is taking me somewhere I will like. Whenever he says this he usually takes me to my favorite place on earth, I'm guessing the beach, I just love being in a bathing suit and showing off that I am Josh's girlfriend, not to mention Josh has recently been working out a lot more again, so he has his six pack back ahhhh. Sure enough we pull up to the beach and the only clothes I brought with me was my mini shorts but that's because Josh was silly and he said  where we were going before we got there, but I think it's cute. I quietly walk just to the edge of the water and I stare out into the sea as far as I can see. When suddenly, Josh comes running up and throws me into the water playfully, then I go up to him and he lifts me in the air, then I slid down his body onto his lips for a kiss. Then we go back up to the beach and he said we should just sit, relax, and enjoy the nature around us. Nature is one of Josh and mine's favorite things and that's also why we were pretty good filming the Hunger Games series as well. I see something out of the corner of my eye, it's Josh's mom with the kids, While I go up and hug Tatum, Josh's dad is already trying to teach Anikan how to check out girls. Josh says "don't you think he is a little young yet dad", and then his dad says "fine but let me know when he starts sixth grade, because that's when I started dating". I stated "hopefully that will be a long time, I don't want my boy to grow up too fast" as I put my arm around my son. Anikan replies "you too mom", which makes no sense but I love him anyway so I swoop him up and Josh carries Tatum bride style over to our beach blanket and we sit there for a while while the kids play in the sand, and we say goodbye to Josh's parents.

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