Chapter 1: Magic

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A/N: Hello peoples!

SO, this is my second fanfiction at a time, so, updates might not be that frequent.


Albus POV

My life is pretty great! I have a beautiful wife! Four beautiful children! And one on the way! And almost no problems! My job is great! And my over all life is great!

My four children are all wonderful! Luke, my eldest, is seventeen and in his seventh year at Hogwarts. Dora and Maxwell, my second eldest children, are twins and are fourteen and in their fourth year at Hogwarts. And last but not least, my daughter Hannah, is eleven and is going into her first year.

Today, we flooed to Olivanders (A/N: Does Olivanders still exist?) to get Hannah her first wand!
"Aaaaah, the Potters, I see we have, Albus, Bella, Luke, Dora, Maxwell, and, Hannah! And, little one that hasn't come to this world yet! Hannah, are you ready to get your wand?" Olivander smiled at Hannah.

"Yes she is!" I exclaimed.

Hannah POV

I went through twenty or so wands.

"Nothing!" I exclaimed on the twenty-first try.

"I have no idea how none of these are working! We've gone through almost all of them!" Olivander looked tired. "I would talk to a healer at St. Mungos for this one! Or at least talk to McGonagall!"

Am I a squib? Can I not live up to my dad and granddads legends? Will all my siblings move on and forget about me? Tears welled up in my eyes.

"It's gonna be ok." My mom soothed me. "Let's go talk to McGonagall." She stepped into the fireplace and yelled. "HOGWARTS!" And disappeared.

I hate flooing. I thought about Hogwarts and wished I could teleport there or something. I held my hand over the ground for no real reason, just something I do. I feel more powerful like that. I thought about Hogwarts and closed my eyes.

When I opened them, I was in Headmistress McGonagall's office. "Professor McGonagall." I bowed. Then, my mom jumped out of the fire place.

"That floo was backed up. Took me ten extra seconds! Oh, Hannah, how did you get here?"

"My thoughts exactly." Professor McGonagall looked between me and my mom. "Pleasure seeing you Bella."

"You too Minerva." Then, the rest of my family appeared out of the fireplace.

"Hannah!" My dad ran up to me and hugged me. "Where did you go?" He looked worried. "You just disappeared."

"It can't be apparating, you can't apparate inside Hogwarts." McGonagall sounded worried. "Nylon." she called.

A small house elf appeared. "Yes master." The house elf looked at McGonagall.

"Please tell Adrienne to come to the Headmistresses office." The elf vanished.

A few minutes later, a young Professor walked in. She had waist long jet black curls and emerald green eyes.

"You wanted to see me Minerva?"

"Adrienne?!" Luke, Maxwell, Bella and I said at the same time.

"Hello! Pumpkin head, Rose thorn, Buzzkill and Banana." She looked at us with a smile. Adrienne was our older cousin. She was the daughter of Teddy Lupin, (He was like a son to Harry so he is a part of the family) and Victorie Weasley.

"Adrienne Potter, manners." McGonagall scolded her.

"Sorry Minerva." She said quietly. "What do you need me for?"

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