Chapter Two: Hogwarts Hated me.

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Eloise POV

I woke up slowly. I was conscious, but I kept my eyes closed. I heard voices.

"Is she going to be alright?" It was my dad.

"I hope so." Will.

"I think I'm gonna take off." Dad had sorrow in his voice. "Have to get to work."

I heard the hospital wing door close.

I jolted awake, sitting up all the way.

"Eloise?!" It was Luke. "Dad! Mom! She's awake!" He ran out the door.

"What?" I looked to my left to see, Will, Maxwell, Dora, Arlo, and there was Luke who just ran out.

"Eloise?" My dad and mom ran in.


I walked out of the hospital wing, reciving a few stares from some passing by students.

"All of them hate me." I looked down at the floor.

"That's not true." Will looked at me. "You saved the whole school with magic beyond the ability of a seventh year."

"Yeah." Arlo agreed. "They dont know what they are talking about."

We turned a few corridors until we got to the barrels. Arlo tapped the third from the left on the bottom, the doors opened and I was greeted by silence and stares. Until one fourth year shouted,


"For what?" I was very confused.

"For saving the whole school. We all saw what you did." A third year responded.

"Oh, you saw, the thing with the water?" I asked timidly.

"What thing with the water? We just saw you come out of the flames. Then, the fire went out. Then,-"

"I fainted, I know." Will dragged me over to the head girl.

"Hey! You must be Eloise, I'm Georgie." The head girl shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I shooke her hand.

"You too. Follow me, I'll show you to your dorm." She led me up a spiral staircase. She walking into the first room. "This is your bed and your stuff, breakfest is at eight sharp, wake up whenever you please." Georgie smiled at me.

Just then, a girl with strawberry blonde hair and dark brown eyes walked in. "I'm Cemetra, Cemetra Smith. Your dorm mate."

"Nice to meet you." I said.

Then, two girls walked in. They had golden brown hair, and bright blue eyes. "Hello, I am Isabella and this is my twin, Catherine. Longbottom. Nice to meet you." Isabella flashed a smile

Finnaly, a girl with platinum blonde hair, (obivusly dyed) and poop colored eyes behind bright blue contact lenses strutted in. That type of girl. "I'm Amber, Amber Davis. You are...?"

"I'm Eloise, Eloise Potter."

"Nice to meet you," Cemetra and the twins held out their hands. I already knew I was going to be good friends with them. Amber, not so much.

Will POV

I walked up to my dorm to be greeted by, Arlo, (who had gone up earlier), Nate Crush, Jonas Martin, and Matt Suler.

"What's up bro?" Nate gave me a high five.

"You ready for that history test?" Jonas shot at me.

"Quick, who was the first captin of the holyhead harpies?!" Matt imitated Professor Binns.

"Um, Lisha Cooper?" Arlo tryed.

"No, Madison Heartbreak." I said.

"Dude, did you study?" Nate looked disgusted.

"Nah, I have an audiographic memory system." I said.

"What?" Matt asked. "I did not under stand a word you just said. I think you've been spending too much time with Arlo here."

"Hey!" Arlo defended himself.

Then there was a knock on the door. "Guys?" It was the Prefect, Connor Michaels.

"Come in!" We all said in unison.

He came in. "Guys, I don't care about the noise, but the girls are starting to complain, so, could you take it down a notch?"

"Sure." I said. "I'm going to bed." I said after he left. "It's already ten o'clock."

"Good night Will." Arlo turned out the light and I drifted into a dreamless sleep.


The blaring of my alarm clock woke me up.

"Holy shnitzels!" I jolted awake.

"Bout time mate! Blimey, it's already eight!" Arlo looked over me.

"Gah!" I put on some Hufflepuff robes and Arlo and I bounded down the stairs.

When we got to the common room, I saw a bunch of black curls in a very sloppy pony tail.

The head turned around, "Bout time! I've benn waiting for fourty-five minutes!" Eloise looked a little mad.

Uh oh. I thought.

Then, she softened and gave a smile and got up. She was wearing yellow converse, a grey skirt, and a long-sleeved button-up shirt with a Hufflepuff tie. Her hair was in a very messy high ponytail and she was wearing a braclet that said: ELOISE POTTER, ONE OF MANY. I didn't quetion it.

We headed down to breakfast and had only about half an hour to eat.

We ate some cereal and then headed to charms.

"Take out your wands

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