Chapter Three: Doing the unthinkable

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I forgot to say this last chapter, but, all the rights of Jaqelyn Tate go to my little sister. She's the best!

I also forgot to do disclaimers.

I don't own Harry Potter, JK Rowling does.

On with the story!

Rain POV

"I was stashing some chocolate frogs under my mattress, when I found this journal. It said, Property of Harry James Potter on the inside cover. I thought, you being the first Potter I found, I'd give it to you."

"Wow." Eloise took the journal. "Uh, thank you!"

"No problem." I walked away. Why I didn't give it to Maxwell, because he would loose it.

Eloise POV

One week until winter break. One week to get all my Christmas presents in order. I think I'll get my granddad this journal, he might appreciate it. Wait, I know! I'll use my magic to make a present for granddad! Correction! One week to look through this journal.

I opened to the first entry.

My first day at Hogwarts and I am already missing my family. The family I never had. I wish, I had my mom and dad. I will never be complete without them.


Harry James Potter.


That's it!

I'll bring James and Lily Potter, (Senior) back to life!

I need to go to Godrics Hollow!

Later that day, I saw Will and Arlo sitting on the couch, waiting for me.

"There you are!" Will smiled at me. "It's Hogsmead time!"

"Yeah, I need to talk to you. Both of you. I need your help."

"Ok." They said.

"I want to bring my great-grandparents back to life."

They both looked at me and started laughing.

"!" They said in between laughs.

"Yes, I've figured out how."

Will looked at me, "Ok, I'll go with you. But, I will bet you twenty sickles that you can't."

"Yeah, me too." Arlo said.



I came up to the grave that said, "Lily and James Potter"

"Here we are." I magically lifted the grave to reveal the mangled bodies of Lily and James Potter.

"Get my money ready." Arlo looked at me.

I shot him a glare.

I put my hand over the two bodies. Slowly color returned to their faces until they were breathing.

"Get my money ready boys, because you each owe me twenty sickles."

At this they woke up.

"What happened?" James asked.

"Yeah, what happened?" Lily looked at me.

"What happened?" I asked, well, more of stated. "I just defied the laws of nature. I brought you back to life! And, these knuckle heads over here owe my twenty sickles, each! This is the best day ever!"

"Who are you?" James asked.

"Why, I'm Eloise Potter of course, your great-granddaughter. Your son, Harry, defeated Voldly-Moldy when he was seventeen, survived the killing curse twice because he was a horcrux, married Ginny Weasley and had three children, James, Albus and Lily, I am on of four children of Albus." I said, all in one breath.


"And, I'm not done. I am the first wizard ever to use wandless magic, and I brought you back to life and earned forty sickles. You guys are my Christmas present to my grandfather. Come come."

On the way to Potter Manor, they asked a lot of questioned. I answered them the best I could.

I knocked on my granddads door. He answered. "Mom? Dad?"

"Son!" They said.

I smiled at the reunion.

"Let's go back." Will muttered into my ear. I nodded.

We walked away. Only to be given detention by McGonagall.


"What were you thinking, sneaking away like that? You could have gotten yourselfs killed!"

"Actually, Professor, I did the opposite of that. I brought James and Lily Potter back to life!"

"That's impossible! Prove it!"

"Ok! I will! Which Grave are we going to?" I yelled. "Why can't I stop yelling?" I asked.

We walked to Albus Dumbledores grave.

"Show me." Professor McGonagall said.

"Gladly. Show me the body." I said.

Professor McGonagall opened the grave with her wand. The rotting corpse of Albus Wilfrick Brian Dumbledore lay on the blood stained dirt.

Come back. I thought as I put my hand on his heart. It started to thump. Then, his sapphire blue eyes flickered open. His body had color.

"Minerva?" He asked.

"Albus!" She said in amazment.

"Told you!" I said.



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