Chapter 13

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Yes, I am a dreamer too. Lets get high on believing.
-Axwell /\ Ingrosso

"He told me he loved me, so I ran as fast as I could."

"What?" Fatima asked, edging nearer to her screen. "Did I hear you right?"

"Yes," said Cass. "I love you Cass. Those were his exact words. It sounded like some cheesy soap opera."

Fatima shook her head. "He is a douche bag."

"But I learned one thing."

"And what would that be?"

"To never go on a date with someone your friend set you up with."

"Come on, I had no idea it was going to turn out like that," said Fatima. She leaned back in her seat and sipped her drink. Behind her a door opened and two women walked in.

"Neither did I. He was such a nice guy. But declaring love on the very first date is a huge turnoff." Cass still remembered the way Emeka had said it, as if he was pleading with her. She hadn't told Fatima about his crazy ex who had disrupted their lunch. She didn't want to. Those were some minutes she never wanted to remember.

"So," Fatima said, grinning wolfishly. "What about the other guy, our guy, the superstar guy?"

"I have no idea who you are talking about," said Cass. She tried to keep her face blank as she said it. Lately, any mention or thought of Victor turned her legs to jelly and brought heat rushing to her face.

God, what is happening to me?

Fatima narrowed her eyes. "Trying to play smart, are you?"

Cass couldn't help it anymore, she giggled. "He's kinda cool, you know."

"There you go again, denying yourself the pleasures of life. Do you know how many girls would kill to see The Vic?"

"Well, I doubt I'll ever see him again."

Fatima raised her hands. "Why not?"

"We are from totally different worlds, Fatima. We are leagues apart."

"You don't know what tomorrow brings," Fatima said, shaking her head. "I read this magazine where he was listed as the fourth most handsome guy in the world."

"Really?" Cass would have rated Victor the most handsome guy in the world. "Who's number one?"

"Tom Cruise."

"Tom Cruise? Like Mission Impossible's Tom Cruise?"

"Yes," said Fatima. "Honestly, if Tom Cruise shows up at my doorstep, I'm going to have an heart attack or a massive aneurysm."

Cass rolled her eyes. "What is it with girls and attractive male celebrities?"

"You won't understand, Cass. You are a certified nerd," said Fatima, drawing one pudgy hand over her veil, covering her thick black braids.

Cass stuck out her tongue. "You don't need to tell me."

"Seriously, the both of you look good together. You are the ultimate fanfic come true."


"Shh, anything could happen."

The door behind Fatima opened again and someone walked in. He was tall and he was in traditional Hausa clothing. It was Abdul and as usual, his kaftan was glinting, they looked brand new. Fatima turned and gave him a bright smile.

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