Chapter 40

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"Of course everyone wants something," said Seyi as she rounded the bend and parked her car. She drew the hand brake in one jerk and turned to him. "But the idea that I wanted to ruin you..."

Victor gave her his camera smile. "I didn't say that."

"But you implied it," said Seyi, as she removed the key and stepped out.

Victor did the same and closed the door behind him as he looked up at the big sign in front of the building before them. It read Floozie in big red cursives. Seyi had suggested the place. Victor frowned as he stared at the red sign, there was something about the name...

"Before you bore me with your accusations, lets go in and celebrate the completion of the first season of The Vic Unplugged." Seyi took his hand and pulled him into the plaza. Her hand was warm and her blood red nails stood starkly against his skin. Her leather pants hugged her curves tightly as her Gucci handbag swished back and front on her arm. Seyi reminded him of Catherine; they both dressed to kill.

"I'll pretend like I'm not seeing those bruises on your knuckles," she said, giving his hand a glance.

Victor swallowed. "I was only testing my strength against the wall. Don't worry."

"Hmm. And who got hurt? You or the wall?"

The plaza was filled with people walking in and out of the different shops. Some windows displayed expensive tuxedos, others; glinting jewelries and an assortment of luxury clothing. Victor heard a few people call his name and he waved back with a smile.

Seyi led him to the stairs at the far end of the plaza. The white twisting frame led up to the top floor which was five stories above them. Something about the white metal railing made him stop and stare as he tried to remember. Something about the whole place made his skin rise with goosebumps.

"What is that?" he asked, pointing at a blue door that stood a distance away. The door was at the front of a structure that slowly descended into the ground, like the entrance of a subway.

Seyi turned to him and snorted. "I cant believe you've never been there. Its the only underground night club in Lagos."

Victor nodded and started up the stairs after her. He felt an urge to suddenly run away.

"Stop staring at my butt," she said as they got to the second floor and took a left turn. She led him past a glass screen door and into a cozy seating area. She sat in a dim booth and he slid in beside her.

A pretty girl immediately appeared in front of their table. "Welcome to Floozies," she said. She wore a blue T-shirt that reminded him so much of Cass that he put on his most charming smile to banish the thoughts.

"Pizza and a diet coke," said Seyi. "You could give him water."

"What? Water?" asked Victor. He turned to the girl who stood staring at him, her eyes glowing with the light of adoration he saw in his fans. "I'd like some strawberries."

She blinked. "We don't serve that here."

Seyi laughed and waved the girl away. "Don't mind him."

"No, I'm serious," said Victor. "There's strawberry pie on the menu, isn't there?"

The girl shifted on her feet and nodded.

"Great. It only stands to reason that there'll be strawberries available."

The girl nodded again as Seyi chuckled and thumbed through her phone. "A plate of strawberries."

"I'd like it in a fruit bowl." Victor winked at the girl as she left.

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