Chapter 2 -Getting To Know Him

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~Chapter 2 - Getting To Know Him~


At school today I waited for Emma to get here. I needed to talk to her about what happened yesterday. I waited around 20 to 25 minutes for Emma at her locker, when she got there I asked, "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" she replied, "Sure". We walked over to an alcove off to the side. "So what did you want to talk about?" she asked. "Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to just hang out and get to know each other after school today." I said, "Sure Tyler" she replied.

I smiled at her and said, "Awesome, see you after school Em." I added as she was walking away "Did you drive or get a ride from your friend today?" She replied "Got a ride. Why?" I smiled at her "I was gonna give you a ride to my house so your friend didn't have to." I replied. "Oh, okay" she said with a blush. "You don't have to if you don't want to Emma." I quickly added. She looked at her feet and said, "I didn't say that Ty" I grin at her and reply "So are you gonna meet me at my car after school?"

"Yeah" she said

I leaned over and kissed her cheek and whispered so only she could hear "See you after school Em" and I pulled back and sent her a wink. She just blushed and said, "Okay." I walked away a couple doors down to my first class. When I got to the door I looked back and saw her already looking back at me. I sent her another wink before walking into the classroom, but I noticed her slight blush before she went in the opposite direction to her class.



After Tyler talked to me this morning he's all I could think about. It was kind of scary actually. I never thought I could actually like THE bad boy of the school. Ever. Anyway Tessa, being my best friend and all, was squealing after I told her he kissed me on the cheek. And after that in all my classes he was all I could think about. It was hard to concentrate on what the teacher was saying.

The day went by rather quickly. So I was walking out to Tyler's car after school. He greeted me with a smile which I returned. "Hey" he said as he opened the passenger side door for me I blushed and thanked him. "Hey" I replied. "You okay Emma?" he asked

I replied "Yeah I'm fine Tyler I just didn't get much sleep last night."

Because he was upset with me again last night and I was punished.

"Okay" he said. He closed my door and got in the driver side. I was glad he didn't leave any visible bruises on me last night like he usually does. Now I won't have to explain myself to Tyler.

Also, he needs to stop making me blush. It's annoying and honestly making me start to like him more. We were on our way to his house, but before I could stop myself I fell asleep, that's how tired I was.


When the car came to a stop I felt someone shaking my shoulder gently. "Emma wake up, we're here." he said

I woke up and open my eyes and groaned and playfully smacked his shoulder.

"Ow" he said rubbing the spot where I hit as if it hurt. I just giggled and got out of the car.

He got out and went and unlocked the door he told me his mom was still at work. Didn't say anything about his dad and I didn't ask.

We walked into an empty house, a beautiful house at that.

He said I could go sit on the couch as he went to go get us something to drink. He went and got us some Root Beers.

When he came back  we talked about random stuff. I found out he was an only child and I told him I had one older brother.  After we talked we decided to watch a movie and at some point during the movie I fell asleep because I felt Tyler shaking my shoulder to wake me.

When I opened my eyes I asked Tyler what time it was he told me it was 10:45 A.M. I mentally cursed and quickly got up put my shoes and jacket on gathered up my things and we walked to his car so he could take me home. I was hoping he was already out or in bed and my mom was waiting up for me...

When I got home I said bye to Tyler and was glad that my mom and brother were asleep. And that he wasn't home. I went up to my room changed into some pj's and went to bed.


Emma was acting weird the whole way to her house and I was worried about her after I dropped off and I went back to my house and got something out of drawer and made a call to the one person I never thought I would call again...

He picked up on the third ring, "Hello?"

"Hey, can you meet me at the park in 20? I need to talk to you about something."

"Yeah. See you there Lockwood" He said and hung up.

What I was about to do was for Emma, I didn't want her mixed up in this shit.

I won't repeat what happened with the last girl I fell for...



I thought I was okay tonight since he wasn't home.

But I was wrong...

He came into my room after he got home...


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