Chapter 3: How the Hell did You get here?

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This morning Mackenzie's alarm clock beat her to the waking up time and went off with an annoying blare of sounds. Mackie unplugged it and noticed that it was 8 am again, she could hear Fulton yelling so she rolled out of bed and went to his room. Fulton was jumping up and down in his crib and when he saw Mackie open the door he yelled through gritted teeth, "Keke!" Mackie gave a quick laugh and carried Fulton out of his room. Fulton couldn't say "Mackie" so he would say "Keke" instead. He did this with everyone's names and would call "daddy" Duddy and "Mom" mum. Mackie carried Fulton downstairs while Fulton played with her hair.

"Uffy," said Fulton shoving little handfuls of Mackie's brownish blonde hair into her face.

"Yep, lots of uffy!" Mackie pushing her hair down. The two of them went out front to get dad's newspaper, although Mackie found it silly that her dad still read the newspaper since now they had a TV. He would wound up watching the TV right after reading the newspaper. No one was up just yet, but Mackie figured that at least mom or dad would be up with a few minutes. Mackie unlocked and opened the front door not bothering to close it too much because they would come right back inside. They went to the driveway, and Mackie gave the newspaper roll to Fulton, who gripped it tightly as if trying to choke it and yelled at it too. As Mackie turned to go back inside she froze in her place. On the far side of the driveway was the Martini Porsche 935 racing car that she tried to buy yesterday! Mackie blinked several times to make sure she wasn't imagining things, nope it was real. Holding Fulton closer to her, Mackie slowly made her way over to the car and place a hand on it, her heart pounding.

"How the hell did you get here?" she asked, half expecting an answer, but of course there was no answer. A piece of paper was trapped in the windshield wipers and had her name on it, well her last name anyway. She took the note and carefully opened it. Cars keys fell out and the note said the following:

I'll take that $8,000.


"Weird, "  Mackie said to Fulton as she picked up the keys. "What do you think duddy will make of this?" Fulton said nothing but giggled at Mackie, his blue eyes sparkling. Most of the newspaper had been completely slobbered on and torn up. Mackie set Fulton back down on the driveway and turned back to the car, wondering how Mr. Riley managed to get it to her house without the address or phone number. Mackenzie partly decided that maybe her dad got it for her as a surprise, but then what about the note? It didn't make sense! While Mackie was thinking about possibilities on how the car got there her dad came out to get the newspaper and was upset with Mackie for leaving the door open.

"Mackenzie Alina Mackenzie! How many times have I told you to-" her father stopped dead when he saw the car. Mackie turned around and frowned at her father, scooped up Fulton (who was still destroying the newspaper) and gave her father the note and keys.

"Dad, did you have anything to do with this?" she asked him. Her dad shook his head as he read the note and said that they would go clarify this note right now. Mackie nodded her head and went inside with her dad, where mom was already up and going so Mackie passed off Fulton to her and ran upstairs to her room to get dressed. She shut her door, threw her PJ's off onto her bed and slipped on the nearest pieces of clothing, which were a white t-shirt, knee-length jeans, and black flats. Mackie bolted to her bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth and hair, not bothering to style it. She left her room and grabbed her little denim backpack, double-checking to see if everything from yesterday was still there. Yep and iPhone included. She headed back downstairs to find that the front door open and mom's voice could be heard from the outside. Mackenzie grabbed an apple and a USB cable, in case the car needed some music if racing cars had radios, which Mackie doubted. She began to hope that this time, she would get her dream car.

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