Chapter 19: Results of a Mistake

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The first chapter of 2020! Woohoo! =D

The Decepticons launched an assault in Nashville...

The Decepticons launched an assault in Nashville...

The Decepticons launched an assault in Nashville...

Mackie's world grew blurry and people speaking having just become faints voices. No words, just voices. She looked towards the door, her vision coming and going as she pushed herself off the bed and tried to walk towards the door. Arms grabbed at her trying to pull her back, but she couldn't feel them. She screamed but no words came out. There was pain, so much pain! Mackie forced herself through the door and began to run. Jazz gave chase, but as he caught up to her, he saw several light blue stands of energy coming from Mackie's body and wrap around her in a sort of spherical shield. Jazz's holoform disappeared and his alt-mode activated. He ran to Mackie and carefully scooped the girl off the ground, the energy moving faster but still showing no threat. She screamed and thrashed around and Jazz had to warp his hand around her entirely to keep her from hurting herself any farther. The blue stands of energy still poured from Mackie, and they wrapped around Jazz's hand too. Jazz felt Mackie stop struggling and carefully opened his hand. The poor girl was sobbing hysterically and her body was shaking. Jazz brought her back to the medbay, where Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Amy, Lennox, and Ratchet were waiting. Jazz knelt by them as they were still in their holoforms and Jazz looked down at Mackie, a pained look was on his face.

"You okay short-stuff?" Jazz asked her. Mackie glanced up at him and a new wave of sobbing erupted from her.

"No Jazz, I'm n-not," she cried, "The cons' are after my family!"

"Now Mackenzie, we don't know that for sure," Ratchet began, coming over to Mackie.

"Well, I do! When I was on the warship, Jillian was there too. She traded me and my family's information and address for her freedom! And now that I'm gone, they're after my family!" Mackie shouted, wincing as she clutched her chest. Ratchet, Amy, and the terror twins looked confused, but Jazz looked furious.

"Who's Jillian?" Amy asked.

"Putting it simply, Mack's bully since childhood and an all-around bitch. From what Mackie told me, Jill had spent a lot of time trying to shame Mack on the internet. The cons' must've thought Jill was Mack, but when they got that wrong..." Jazz didn't need to finish. It had become clear what this girl had done and it had severely put Mackie's family in danger. Ratchet immediately called Optimus and Lennox ran to the intel part of NEST to get info on missing people in Nashville. Amy and the twins stayed with Jazz and Mackie and quickly Nurse June Darby came out to tend to Mackie. Jazz knelt set his hand on the ground, cradling Mackie in it. Nurse Darby looked skeptically at the pulsing energy that was emanating from Mackie.

"Are you able to stop with the light show, sweetie?" Darby asked Mackie. Mackie raised an eyebrow and looked at the energy and her eyes widen.

"What the hell is this?!?!" Mackie cried. As she did the energy moved faster and glowing brighter. Nurse Darby reached out to try to calm Mackie, but the minute her hand touched the blue energy, a strong electrical shock sent her flying back a few feet, but Sides caught her.

"Didn't think you'd fall so hard for me m' lady~," Sideswipe teased. June scowled but thanked him, but that didn't save Sides from a smack in the head from his brother. They looked back at Mackie, who was still panicking and looking at the energy fearfully. Amy tilted her head curiously and saw something interesting.

"How come the energy hurt Nurse Darby, but it's passing through Jazz with no problems or pain?" Amy asked. Jazz looked down and saw that Amy was right; there was no pain and the energy was moving harmlessly through him. Ratchet turned back to them and looked at the energy.

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