Chapter 21: Cyber

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IM ALIVE AND HAVENT FORGOTTEN THIS BOOK!!! Just been busy balancing two jobs and school and NovelHD still has this book on their site without my permission, and it's really hard to write this book. Knowing that every time I update they'll always take it my book and make it their own.. it's just hard to write knowing that😭

In the cafeteria on NEST base, it was mostly empty, save for a few soldiers who came in and out to grab a snack. The food smelled amazing and even though the large room was mostly bare save for all the tables and chairs, the place was welcoming and gave off a warm atmosphere. Mackie sat at one of these empty tables with a bowl of beef ramen noodles and a small plate of strawberries in front of her. She held Fulton in her lap, trying to feed him some of the food. The little-year-old red-headed boy thankfully didn't put up a fight and happily ate the strawberries, but refused the noodle bowl. Jazz sat beside them in his holoform, putting the Spiderman bandaids on Fulton's cuts. The kid was very proud of his bandaids and kept pointing them out to Jazz, who he recognized as James, and his sister.

"Keke! I get spooderman!" he cheered touching his bandaid. Mackie smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Are you Spiderman, Fulton?" she teasingly asked him. The little boy nodded rapidly and wiggled off her lap and ran around the table, pretending to shoot webbing out. Fulton was always the fastest in the family; fastest to learn to talk, crawl, walk and run. Mackie chuckled as he came back around and "shot" Jazz, who instantly played along.

"Oh no! Please Mister Mini Spiderman sir! Let me live!" Jazz cried jokingly, "falling" off his chair and dramatically "crawling" away from Fulton, who giggled and kept shooting at him. Mackie watched the charade for a minute and turned back to her noodles, not really feeling hungry. She poked at them with her fork and sighed. She grabbed a spoon and looked at her reflection on it. A girl with a cut up and bruised face looked back at her with the same alien glowing neon green eyes she had, also sharing a very messy brown pixie cut and white hospital shirt.

"What is wrong with me?" she muttered, setting the spoon down. Jazz looked up from his game with Fulton, who had snatched his baby blue visor and was once again wearing them upside down.

"Come again Mack?" he asked, standing up and putting Fulton on his hip. He sat back down beside Mackie, holding Fulton in his lap and putting his visor back on.

"What. Is. Wrong. With. Me?" she repeated, more slowly and aggressively, "And don't you dare say nothing! I'm half alien and my family was taken because of what I am! I always thought I knew who I was but no! I don't! I'm not Mackie the Mechanic, not Mackie the human, nope, I'm Mackie the half-alien freak show! I have a weird-ass blue energy power thing and my dad isn't my father and-UGH!" Mackie screamed slamming her head and fists onto the table, spilling her noodles onto the floor in the process. Energy swirled around her hands as she sat there, the only movement she was showing was her back rising and falling with her breathing. Fulton saw the energy and made an awed face. He reached towards it and swiped at it, making it trail harmlessly after his hand a little. He giggled and repeated his action, making the glowing, somewhat sparkling, blue energy move after his hands. Jazz smiled and tapped her shoulder. Mackie slowly raised her head and watched her brother as he played, or tried to play, with her power.

"I see nothing wrong with this," Jazz started, imitating the little boy's actions. The energy trailed after Jazz's fingers and Fulton giggled, rapidly swiping at it. Mackie smiled a little; this was cute to watch. But when she looked back to her energy remembering why she had it, she sighed and it disappeared, fading away. Fulton whined at that.

"Keke!" he cried about to pitch a fit. Mackie ignored her brother's protests and wrapped her arms around her head.

"I don't want this power Jazz... I hate it... I want everything to go back to the way it was," she muttered, but it came out as more of a whimper as hot tears began to fall down her face. She wanted all of this to go away, to just wake up and realize everything had just been a dream. Jazz set her brother down on the ground, and Fulton having to see his sister about to cry, rested his head on her back. Jazz partly followed Fulton's actions, only he started to rub Mackie's back with his hand. He sighed and pulled her into his chest, and Fulton kept hugging his sister. Mackie didn't fight as both Jazz and Fulton offered her some much-needed comfort, and she didn't even bother to stop herself from crying. She was so overwhelmed with hate, loss, grief, guilt, and years of fighting back pain and life that her dams burst into a long-needed sob. Mackie cried and cried into Jazz's chest, clutching handfuls of his shirt. Jazz didn't say anything and just hugged her, still rubbing her back. Fulton kept hugging his sister too, giving her small pats. They stayed like this for a few minutes until Mackie's sobbing became small hiccups and sniffles. She sighed a little and let her hand fall onto her lap, but she still kept her head on Jazz's chest.

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