Quick thing to Say

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In the year I've been on Wattpad there's one thing I thought would be for certain:

"My books aren't that good, so not many people will like them. But I'll still try just to see what happens."

But yet, all of you proved me hella wrong! Though this book is about halfway finished, and I consider not all that great, you guys have rocketed the readings and votes far beyond what I thought possible! 😁 I'm incredibly grateful for each and every one of you! So,

Thanks to those who give me ideas!

Thanks to those who Roleplayed with me to help with writer's block!

Thanks to those who read!

Thanks to those who comment!

Thanks to those who vote!

Thanks to those who share!

Thanks to those who hate!

Thanks to those who tell me to quit, you trying to drag me down only made me stronger! 😈

Thank you all so much for your support!!! Even though my family has grown with the birth of my new baby sister and things have been more hectic and updates are monstrously slow, I can assure you that I haven't forgotten this book and all of you! I will return to this book when I have more time and access to a working keyboard! 😁

Until then,


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