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Kentrell Pov

" Joe" I smacked his face cause he was sleep in the hopistal " You gon apologize to Aaliyah man " I told him he smacked his lips " I ain't saying shit "

" You gon have too nigga that's my baby moms " I told him " Since when did you care about your baby mamas " Boomer laughed . " Right " Joe said . " Either way you gon apologized " Ben smacked Joe upside his head I laughed a little . " Ight Man " Joe sighed . " Where Quando at ?" Boomer asked . " He coming his ass been on some sprung shit " I laughed .

" Of course he a soft singing nigga " Ben said

" Mane shut y'all asses up" Quando and Alexis entered the room . " Where my friend at ?" Alexis asked us we all rolled my eyes we definitely didn't wanna hear her mouth . " She gone " I told her . " Gone why she pregnant how y'all gon leave a pregnant girl " Alexis mugged us . " Shit she left on her own " Joe shrugged .

" Niggas ain't shit " Alexis walked off I rolled my eyes .

Aaliyah Pov

" Yo as pregnant as fuck looking like a rhinoceros " Izzy laughed I rolled my eyes

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" Yo as pregnant as fuck looking like a rhinoceros " Izzy laughed I rolled my eyes . Yes me and him are hanging out AS FRIENDS nothing else I just needed someone . I didn't wanna speak to Kentrell cause he didn't even stand up for me when Joe said the baby wasn't his .

" Shutup " I slapped him " That movie was good though" I told him while I sat next to the water pond . " It was that bitch was crazy she did all that shit to die at the end " Izzy said .

We watch the move Acrimony it was good .

" Right " I laughed . " Thanks for coming with me I needed this" I told him while I drunk my Oreo milkshake " Welcome " he looked at me and sigh . " I'm sorry " I told him . " It's ight I just wanted you to have my kid at least I treat you better " he told me .

I shook my head " Yeah but I love y'all both I just wanna be with him you know " I grabbed his hands" I love you Izzy but I didn't wanna hurt you more than I have "

He rubbed my hands  " It's cool I wish y'all the best with your baby is it a girl or boy ?" He asked ." It's too soon to know yet I hope I have a girl " I whined . " Yeah she gon be mean like your ass " He rolled his eyes .

" Shutup I'm not even mean " I mugged him . " Yeah ight whatever " he rolled his eyes . " So is it his baby ??" He asked me .

" What ?" I looked at him mad as hell . " What you mean is it his baby? " I asked . " Nothing " he laughed a little and shook his head . " You trying call me a hoe Izzy?"

I was mad I mean I know what I did and it wasn't right I'm trying to get over that whole situation it just makes me mad because they both bring it up .

" Calm down A" Izzy sighed " I'm ready to go " I got up and hold my stomach my ass was so pregnant already .

" All I'm saying look at me " he grabbed me and I looked at him . " If he don't wanna claim his kid then I'll step up and take care of it . " he told me .

" I don't even know if I want it " I told him and walked away . " What the fuck are you talking about you gon keep it " he told me .

" Okay but who's going help ? I'm 17 I don't have a dad my mom still depressed about her ex my siblings not even here who the hell going help me ? " I yelled at him . " NOBDOY" I yelled and walked off and started crying I was ready to go away just to calm down and relaxed my self .

I sat down because my ass was running outta breathe.

" A?" Izzy came toawards me " Stop getting all hostile I'ma be there for you regardless ight " he hugged me. We hugged for like 3 minutes " We not gon kiss " I mugged at him he busted out laughing " Nobody wanna kiss your ass " .

" Whatever come on " I told him he wrapped his arms around my neck and we started walking " I'll see you later " I told him he kissed me cheek " I love you " .

" I love you too ugly " I smiled at him and got in my car " Call me when you get home " he yelled from the car I nodded and drove off I decided I should go to the hospital and check up on Kentrell even though his ass was annoying .

Kentrell Pov

" I hope yo ass gets a girl " Kd said out randomly " Lowkey me too " I ran my hands through my face . " That's your baby" Ben said . His ass love Aaliyah he stick up for her more than me like a uncle. " Nigga " Kd started laughing .

" Who's Baby " I saw Kendra walk in " Oh shit " Ben said and started laughing .

" Kendra what you doing here ?" I asked her " I came to see my man " She kissed my forehead I moved away . She looked at me confused " Are you okay ?" She asked me . " I'm good "

" So who's baby ? Aaliyah's " Kendra asked me " Yes that's my baby mother and she finna have my baby" I told her . She started laughing me and Ben looked at her like she crazy " Fuck so funny ?" Kd asked her .

" It's funny because I'm pregnant too "

" What?" I saw Aaliyah walk in .

Oh shit.

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