5: red

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'If someone only notices your absence not your presence. They are not in love but lonely'

I stared blankly. My Sister, Lance and Ethan all stared blankly. We were all extremely shook.

'So the plan didn't work' Ethan said with no emotion. It was an attempt to fix this awkward moment. It didn't work.

'Parker? I'm kind of busy?' Spencer explained, widening her eyes as if to say 'Oi i'm getting dick, get out' but i couldn't move. My eyes stuck on him. I didn't even know what to do. He was staring back at me. Like he'd never met me. I am such an idiot. This fairytale shit everyone goes on about does not happen for me. Like come on.

'Okay. Sure. Yes. Okay. Bye. Good luck. Wait no sorry, Be safe. Make good choices' My white girl wasted mouth blabbed and blabbed as if i had no brain in my skull. I started to run, i don't know why, i just ran, to the top of the stairs.

The music thumping in my chest, i started running down the stairs missing two at a time but i could barely see a thing. The moment the bedroom door opened played in my head like a broken record and as i attempted to stable myself my ankle twisted on the first landing of the red carpeted stairs.

'Parker!' was screamed from several different locations of the party as i tumbled down the stairs, i had no control of my body and i couldn't find my balance.

I hit the floor hard and before i knew it i felt like Hannah Montana entering Lily's sweet 16th in Hannah Montana the Movie. Everyone was standing around me. People were upset and calling my name. I couldn't hear anything and my eyes battled my lids to stay open. My eyes lost.


I opened my eyes to find myself outside on the grass. Spencer next to me, Daphs head on my shoulder, Brit holding my back up and Sasha crying hysterically in front of me.

Lil Tah was vomiting up her organs to the left of us in the bushes, her usual party routine. She finished and put a backward peace sign in the air my way, 'Good to see you awake! Nasty fall man' She grunted as she walked inside. Weird chick.

Sasha tried to centre her breathing, 'You're awake!' She said through tears.

'What the fuck happened' I said giggling, 'holy shit my head' i grasped my head in pain.

'You fell, down the stairs' Spencer laughed nudging me playfully.

'In complete style but' Daphne stated with the cutest smile. 'Could you sit up on your own now' Brit asked in annoyance. 'No bitch hold me up' I joked. She let go and hit my head.

'Uh ouch?!' I said furrowing my brows. 'Oh shit, i forgot' Brit gave me the most apologetic hug while we all had a laugh. I was in pain but happy to be with my girls.

'Oh where's Ethan?' I asked with concern.
'Getting more ice' Spencer answered with a slight smile.
'Oh i almost forgot, You and Lance?' I awkwardly nudged her and tried to play it off as playful.
'Let's chat about that later' She slightly whispered but it was too late, 'YOU AND WHO?' 'IM SORRY LANCE DID WHAT?' A chorus of girls screaming in excitement about Spencer's news.
'Thanks for that' She mouthed to me.
'Sorry' I mouthed back as i got up.
None of them seem to realise i had left to find Ethan.

As i walked back inside the house, drunk teenagers were everywhere asking me how i am, What drugs i took and one guy even asked if i had a mechanical leg that malfunctioned, I just smiled and nodded or shook my head pushing my way through to find myself at the kitchen. Boys were chugging beer right next to the freezer were Ethan was grabbing out some ice.

'Hey Mr. Hero' I stated, placing my hand on his shoulder. He shot around and gave me the biggest bear hug.
'How are you feeling' He smiled stepping back and running his finger through his hair.
'Healthiest i've been in years' I joked.
His cheeks went a rose pink.
'You were out for five whole minutes' He said with concern.
'Oh poo, You must fill me in on what i missed' I gave him a slight smile. We both knew we shouldn't mention the elephant that was in the upstairs bedroom, not that my sister looks like an elephant. Ugh you get the saying.

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