6: Lucy's

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'Never take a single breath for granted'
The weekend passed by very quickly, I never heard from Lance, It's like he fell off the face of the earth. I sat in my room through Saturday and Sunday. Playing the moment Lances eyes changed colour over and over on repeat in my head. I thought maybe i wasn't as sober as i thought, or my eyes were just playing tricks, or he is one of 20 people on the earth who have changing eye colours. Thinking is hard. I wanted to ask him about it but i hadn't heard from him, He never replied to my messages and Spencer told me she hadn't heard anything from her so she figured he, 'Hated our kiss' and that she's 'Destined to die alone'. The news report on the body also rung loud in my head. Something was so fresh and relevant to me even though my only connection to the crime was my love of the Diner.

It was Monday and i chose to wake up early, i know - shocker. I was about to make myself my morning caffeine intake but decided to drop by Lucy's instead to see how everything was.

Lucy's Diner was a 5 minute walk from my house and about 15 minutes drive from school. I pulled up beside Lucy's and went in.


The place is a pale pink with white stripes here and there, imagine if a my little pony had sex with a pink lady from grease then gave birth to a child which then exploded causing the creation of a Diner. That's Lucy's.

The Diner was always a bright spot in our little town but today it was dark and gloomy and was extremely vacant. I walked in and sat down at the counter. I was one of three customers and as i sat, the couple in the booth by the window had just left.

Lucy came out from the kitchen the the double swinging doors holding two plates of Egg and Bacon. She looked disappointed as she stared at the booth that was just inhabited by the couple and placed the food down on the table.

'To early for customers?' i asked with a smile. She was a beautiful woman. So kind and caring. She was a little short and had the cutest button nose. Short dark blonde curly hair and was always wearing her pink and pastel green apron.

'Doesn't matter what time Parker, I've lost business altogether' She huffed.

'Because of the murder?' I knew the answer, but i was in disbelief, Lucy's has always been the go to spot for food. It hurt to see Lucy in so much pain.

'Yes, People feel as if this place is haunted. But that's not all, I've been struggling to keep this place going on my own and i think the speed of my service has started to decline as i've grown older. Now that Alejandro has moved out i have no other employees and i'm just drowning' she poured out her heart to me. Alejandro is Lucy's one and only son and he worked with Lucy since the Diners opening.

I sat in disarray, seeing Lucy heart broken, broke my heart aswell. This Diner was a home to me and even most of the town and i wasn't about to see it go under.

'I'll work here!' I spring cheerfully.

'Parker, really? will you?' Lucy beamed.
'Of course, you and this Diner is too important to me. Of course i'll work here!'

Lucy ran with her little legs around the white topped counter to give me the biggest hug.

'Thank you Parker, you gorgeous boy!' Giving me the sloppiest kiss on the cheek ever, she went back over and started asserting the menus.

'I have to get to school, but i'll come here straight after and we can sort times?' I called out as i was leaving.

'Of course, sounds like a plan' she waved me goodbye with the sweetest smile on her face.
I was excited, my first real job. I guess it was time and i was helping someone i love.


At school Lance was no where to be found. To be fair i rarely see him anyway but he was not there at all today and that made me nervous and so very suspicious.

At lunch i sat with Ethan, He was fiddling with his tray so much I asked how he was, he wasn't himself.

'Hey, what's up?'

'Nothing. I'm all good.'

'Okay, if you say so'

'i say so'

'Have you seen Lance today by any chance' Hoping for a yes.

'Why do you even care? He is cracking on with your sister like fuck Parker, move on' His tone became vulgar and i became very uncomfortable, 'Okay something is up! and like that was fucking mean' I was hurt, he has never ever treated me like that in my 15 years of knowing him.

'I'm sorry' He sighed, looking down at the ground, 'I have shit happening and i snapped, I shouldn't have took it out on you'

'What shit? You can tell me' I reached across the table and grabbed his hand.

'My dad wants custody and because i'm not 18 yet it's a possibility. I hate him' He was clearly broken.

'I'm so sorry honey, that's so awful. Linda is an incredible mom though, they will see that and see the good in you staying with her'

'I hope so, Thanks' He gave me a weak smile. 'I'm sorry again, that wasn't fai-' 'consider it forgotten' I interrupted.

Ethan was such a calm and relaxed soul it was terrifying to see him on edge, I had no idea what he would do in a situation like this, he is always so organised and prepared and structured. He really had no control now and i think that was the worst part for him.

After lunch I had Art and then English, I sat in english staring out the window. Tim went so slow. I hated it, i put my elbow on my desk and slouched over, practically asleep. The window in English was a perfect view of the Teachers/My carpark. I was focussed in on my car and Lance sitting on the bonnet, day dreaming-

Wait! Lance is on the Bonnet!

'I have my period' I shouted whilst grabbing my things and bolting out of the classroom, my classmates burst into laughter and Mr. Brisk called out my name. I ran down the hall and the laughing and screaming faded into nothingness. I threw the doors open and raced to my car.

He was gone. I turned around to see Mr. Brisk gesturing for me to come back from the window, infuriated and confused. I unlocked my car, got in and drove off.

Was i daydreaming? Was he really there? Where did he go?

This kid had my brain spinning and asking questions. I really wasn't ready to hear the answers of. This was the beginning of the end.

Finally a new chapter. I hope you enjoy and ps. i wrote this at like 1 am so if it's messy or has mistakes please read over, we are all human. Comment on what you like and vote if you liked this chapter!

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