Shuffle the cards.

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Three months after the particle accelerator explosion...

"I was warned there was a chance the partial accelerator may fail. I was warned by a former colleague, a friend, and I chose to ignore the warning... and in so doing I let down all of you, I let down the city..."

She sat leaning back against the sofa, a small smile graced her face as she watched the American news feed from her UK apartment. He had listened to her argument and strangely accepted it after a few hours of arguing with the stubborn man. Only time would tell now what the repercussions could be. She thought about the poor guy in that bed at S.T.A.R. Labs; how his life would change, about the two who remained with Eobard. Oh yes, she knew him as Eobard. Eobard had known her since she was six years old. She had watched him take the original Dr Harrison Wells' life, yet strangely protected her at the same time. But that was a story for later. She smiled thinking about their complicated relationship, and what a relationship it was! Only time would tell now what would happen and what the repercussions would be for the man. At least he listened to her; for one thing, there were no secrets, therefore Hartley Rathaway wouldn't be able to reap those rewards. But, in the end, she'd be there for him no matter what. They owed each other that much, even to reason with the impulsive idiot from time to time!

One year later: UK, Portsmouth

Talia sat brushing her damp, brunette hair as the tablet sat balanced on her lap, the rhythmic tap-tap-tapping of the rain hitting the window echoed around the quiet studio apartment.

"So what happened?" She spoke in an English Southern voice with a slight American accent.

"I may have made a mistake..."


"Detective Joe West asked about..the past"


"I was about to sidetrack him, but..."

"But what? What did you do?"

"I had to explain about Tess first..."

"I hear a but? here, and not a good one at that... what did you do, Eobard?"

"I took everything from Detective West on the Allen case."

"As in all his evidence? Everything?"

"Yes... that was after the warning with a knife."

"Impulsive, much?"


"Shit... as the Reverse-Flash?"


Groaning, Talia rolled her hazel eyes. Talk about an impulsive twit!

"What the hell, Eobard!" she paused thinking about her next move as if the cards were placed upon the table in front of her at that very moment.

"If Eobard and, I mean, if I come, you got to think things through! Seriously, Eobard! You're an idiot!"

As his glasses were removed and bright blue eyes were rubbed between nimble fingers, a sigh left his lips. It was as though he was still mourning Tess at times, but she had to wonder who he was, Eobard or Harrison.

"They're catching on Eobard. You have a target at your head!" she groaned, shaking her head and allowing him to gather his thoughts.

Sadly, things were getting complicated for the man. She placed the brush down and picked up her tablet, looking at his tired blue eyes as she sighed once again.

"Yes I know..." was his tired response. Gods, this man needed her and soon, bloody hell, three years... she had been gone three years, and he was the one who sent her away in the first place. Yes, it was for her own safety after the last attempted kidnapping, but still...

The fool was blowing his chance at getting home. Damn him. She'd help, but in her way, not his; not the quick way, but the proper way. Plus, it wasn't like she had much to do. College was out for the time being.

"Okay... fine. I'm coming, but gotta let me do this my way. Your way clearly doesn't work. Otherwise, you might as well give up now because your way is just complicating matters, Things will probably change our relationship as well... I won't be just your... your ward, not in front of them. It'll be too suspicious!"

"I'm not going to like this am I?"

"No, but if you want the goal... well, you gotta let your human side out. Show your weaknesses and all... it's all good and well being in a wheelchair playing the cripple, 'specially with your speed playing up. But you still gotta be human... feelings, show that connection, lose the mysteriousness that is Harrison Wells." she watched him huff as he pushed up the glasses covering his bright blue eyes.

Come on fishy, take the bait! Her hand was laid out in front of him!

Talia waited a few moments before she shrugged as if to say, "Well, your choice", as she sat back awaiting his answer, sipping on her hot chocolate.

"Fine, but it won't... be easy for me as you know... and just how do you think you will achieve this?" Eobard asked as he lifted a glass of bourbon to his lips, enjoying the burn slipping down his throat.

"Easy. Tell the truth, sort of. You saved me, blah blah blah, I'll put on the whole innocent crap there. Believe it quick enough and the next you know, you'll be getting a bloody Nobel prize for pure heroics of raising a child all on your own!" she smirked at him, wiggling her eyebrows.

Eobard/Harrison raised an eyebrow at the briskness of her plan.

"How long till(?) you get here?" Talia shrugged looking around the studio apartment that Wells paid for in the last three years or so.

"Two days. I've got a few things to sort out, then I'll fly out, arrive, and make my way to you. We'll go from there. It's not gonna be easy, but it's gonna be fun." she grinned wickedly, winking at him.

Eobard/Wells couldn't help but laugh as he shook his head. Somehow, he knew this was the right thing to do. If anyone could help him become more... humane, it would be the child who watched him kill in the first place, who knew and accepted him for who he was.

"Two days, travel safe and be careful, Talia. I'll see you then."

"Two days. Don't worry, I'm still keeping an eye on him and his activities. I'll be safe enough, till then, try to be... nice." Talia cackled as she hung up, watching the screen go black.

Standing, she huffed before attempting to track down her duffle bag and whatever else she thought she'd need, planning as she went along. Somehow, she gathered she wouldn't be coming back anytime soon, if at all. After all, her foster father needed her help, and maybe, just maybe, he might just do it the right way this time, with no shortcuts that Harrison/Eobard was so fond of! Shaking her head at the prospect of him doing things the hard way, she pondered how the hell she got into this. How was she going to change what Eobard had messed up already?! To help deceive the people who cared for Dr Harrison Wells, who worked for and helped him... things were going to get complicated and interesting. Bonus points if she could deal with the man who was her worst nightmare, who helped her meet her foster father all those years ago.

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