the tower of cards in play

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" Your foster daughter?!" Caitlin stammered as she looked to Barry than Cisco all three had the identical deer in the headlights look to them, shocked and surprised as they looked questioningly to Dr Harrison Wells.

"They want to know how I became your foster kid, pops" Talia smiled a mysterious little smile as she looked to Harrison she watched as he raised his eyebrow and ever so slightly nodded his head that only she saw...

"I was six... In foster care long story why, but another story... Anyway out in the garden sitting in the grass playing with something at the foster house..." Talia frowned trying to remember just what she was playing with before giving up with a mental shake of the head... "This van...showed up on the road a man...tall, fat, scary balding his eyes scared me, he came out of the van to the fence he...grabbed me..." Talia closed her eyes for what felt like a long time as Harrison squeezed her hand as the old memories of that day surfaced... "I was trafficked or smuggled from the UK to here America, I travelled for three days until the twat had to stop for I can only gather a wiz. a kid needing food, water and such wasn't important at the time but his priorities were" she huffed slightly looking at her hand interlinked still with Harrison.

Oh, how hungry she was how tired and scared she knew then she had been drugged she remembered as a child in the back of that van how she prayed to be saved to whatever god was listening!

"When he stopped the idiot left the van unlocked... I guess he was just thinking a docile drugged child was easy to transport... I tried the door for the millionth time and it...opened...I snuck out...I ran"

Talia frowned as she tried to remember thirteen almost fourteen years ago.

"We were on a hilly road at the verge I could see the road below the one we were on it winded down I went for broke... Ran down the steep incline through the brush I could feel him...hear him chasing me... Screaming he'd kill me..." Talia gulped trying to control her breathing as she closed her eyes trying to calm her breathing slightly...

"Hey, it's okay to stop." Barry Allen spoke up as he stood from the doorway approaching them, Talia looked to him watching the others nod in agreement until her eyes settled on Dr Harrison Wells she sighed silently "no it''s okay..." Taking a breath Talia squared herself as she looked to Harrison again before continuing "I got to the road below and then I heard it...a car about a hundred twenty maybe forty feet away from a man and woman inside the car...swerved and flipped... The lady died on impact yet the man it was pops,...he crawled out of the door... The police soon turned up quickly after and... I was put into U.S.A foster care..."

Tears spilt down her cheeks as she sighed gods why was it hard yet it did happen...sort of... Well, it was true up until now as she continued her story, editing out the whole watching Eobard taking out the real Harrison Wells, taking his DNA and declaring 'he wouldn't kill her she was an unknown pawn yet would be a useful pawn at that!' yet then watching the pathetic kidnapper having his neck broken by Eobard...nothing like saving you and killing others to create a beautiful friendship!

"After I got out of hospital I kept thinking about that child Tess saved... I knew Tess wouldn't want the foster system to take her, she....died saving Talia...she would have wanted her" Harrison Wells sighed as his light blue eyes glistened with unshod tears, he looked to his team as Caitlin handed Talia a tissue as tears streaked down her cheeks..." I found Talia in the system...some...weeks later... Again in a group foster didn't take long to get the social workers to agree for me to take her in even with...loosing... Tess, Talia needed someone to help her and I knew I could..." Harrison blinked attempting to control his breathing...gods he was good but not that good by the reasoning of wanting Talia there or, so she gathered as she watched him out of the corner of her eye..taking a small amount of pity or was it pity? Seeming as back then Eobard was planning even back then, Talia took over the story of their past...

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