Chapter 8

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The night was quiet. I was in my room lying down on my bed reading a novel wearing my night clothes consisting of simple brown shorts and a white shirt.

I was about to turn a page when someone knocked on my door, without looking up from my book I said "Come in" expecting a maid for her nightly duty.

"Hi" I looked up shocked by the Princess' presence and I dropped my book and picked it up immediately, Shit what page was I on?

I put my book on my bedside table hoping I could find the page later.

"Hi princess, Do you need anything?" I asked her while standing up and bowing.

She chuckled "You can call me Alia you know and you don't have to bow every time you see me" She was wearing a baby pink nightgown ending at her thighs. Oh God, she's trying to kill me with those glorious legs.

I clenched my teeth slightly and smiled "I don't think the Queen and King would like that" I chuckled.

"They don't need to know" She closed the door and went straight to sit on my bed.

Am I dreaming?

"I was bored in my chambers and decided why not pester my protector" She smiled at me innocently.

I chuckled "I don't mind the pestering if it's from you," I think the princess got used to me flirting with her from time to time. I even think she'd so used to people flirting with her that it doesn't bother her anymore, even if it's from me.

She rolled her eyes and smiled slightly like what she does every time I flirted with her.

"So what do you plan on doing Princess? Do you want to play chess? I have those" I offered.

She laughed "I already said I was bored and you offer to play chess? Are you trying to kill me with more boredom?" She moved back to lean her back on the wall while looking at me teasingly.

Anything she does is so graceful even when she just leans her back to the wall, she never slouched and her legs are almost always crossed on the ankles, it must be hard being a princess, always so cautious about every move they make.

I'm slouching most of the time, a good thing I wasn't a princess, right?

I laughed "As you can see I'm not the most fun person to be around" I gestured to my book.

I sat beside her and leaned my back against the wall mirroring her.

"You know Leo, I don't feel like a princess when I'm with you," She said looking at her hands on her lap. It was the first time she ever called me by my name and my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

I smiled slightly "That's not a bad thing is it?" Studying her.

She turned to me and shook her head and smiled slightly.

"Good" I replied "Do you want to play chess now? It's not going to be boring when I beat you" I challenged.

She chuckled "Fine"

I stood up and pulled my chess board from under the bed and stood up "Get ready to lose your highness" I winked.

We played a couple of times and in the first game I won but in the next couple of games, she won every single one.

"We should've stopped after the first game, maybe then I would still have my dignity" I grumbled while packing up the chess pieces and putting them in a bag with the board.

The princess chuckled "That's okay, You still won one game out of six" She teased while standing up.

I put the game under the bed and we started walking to her room.

"You didn't have to walk me to my room" She smiled.

"It's my duty, there might be enemies in these hallways or maybe a raccoon, you'll never know" I teased.

She chuckled then teased back "Then I'm grateful, Thank you for your protection Leo" Rolling her eyes while smiling.

Yup, there goes my heart. 

She opened her door but before she went inside she leaned toward me and held my shoulders before kissing my cheek "Thank you for tonight" She said close to my ear.

Then she was gone.

I walked back to my room and my smile never left my face.


A/N: Hope you guys like it so far. Thank you :)

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