Chapter 27

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We got on our positions waiting for the carriages. Ramona is positioned up the tree. Kit is positioned by the trail. Josh and I are standing behind a rock. Waiting.

Suddenly we heard the horses' hooves hitting the ground. They're here.

I nodded at Kit as a go signal and he winked excitedly.

We saw the horses nearing and Kit pulled a rope that triggered his trap and both the wheels of every carriage broke from the impaling of the spikes.

The horses neighed in panic from the abrupt stopping of their carriages.

Phase 1: Success.

I signaled Ramona and she nodded. She pulled the string of her bow aiming her arrow and waited. Then the Savages walked out of the carriages looking for the cause of their sudden stop.

Josh and I looked at each other before running towards them. I pulled out my sword and pierced a Savage in the heart. It called the attention of the other Savages and they pulled out their weapons.

Josh tackled two of them to the ground and knocked them out when they hit their head.

I just kept on fighting anyone that came then suddenly I heard a war cry behind me, when I turned I saw a Savage running towards me with his sword.

I was too late to block it and just waited for the impact but suddenly he fell to the ground and I saw an arrow through his head.

I looked up to Ramona "Thank you" I yelled and she just smirked at me.

"They're all dead" Josh announced breathing heavily.

Phase 2: Success.

We all walked closer to the carriages. We freed the horses attached to the carriages before I opened the first carriage and saw boxes of boxes of food and gallons of water and even weapons and armors.

"Looks like we hit the jackpot" Kit said grinning.

Josh reached for a box and got a piece of fruit and bit it "This is heaven" he said while chewing.

"We need to put as many supplies as we can in our bags and get rid of all the evidence" I announced.

Ramona started by refilling her water bottle. Josh and Kit also filled their bags and bottles.

I reached of the armors "Wear these. We need to look like one of them to avoid suspicion" I said while I started wearing the Savages' armor.

It consists of brown pants with black armor, brown long sleeves with a black chest plate, brown gloves, and brown leather boots. Then we also picked up the black helmets and wore them.

We also took some small weapons to carry, just in case.

When we were all looted up we pushed the carriages containing the bodies of the dead Savages to the cliff and we watched it crash on the deep ocean below.

Phase 3: Success.

"We need to act fast before they check the trails for the carriages," I said.

We walked back to our camp and tied our horses.

"You're hurt," Kit said. I looked back and saw him holding Josh's arm.

Josh shrugged "I'm fine. It's not really that deep"

Kit reached for his bag and pulled out some bandages and started tending on Josh's arm.

I laid down, exhausted by today's event.

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