Chapter 40

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We finally arrived in the forest and saw some of the women training but Danielle is nowhere in sight.

I saw Isabelle chatting with some of the women, so I approached her.

"Isabelle!" I called. She looked towards me and Alia then smiled but when she saw the worry on my face her smile immediately disappeared.

She walked towards us "Your Highness" she bowed in front of Alia and turned to me "Is everything okay?" She asked with worry.

Alia and I glanced at each other before I addressed Isabelle "I need to talk to Danielle" I said.

"She went back to her house to rest" Isabelle informed.

I nodded "Thank you Isabelle" before I started walking towards Danielle's place.

I heard footsteps behind me "Wait, can I come?" Isabelle asked with worry. I only nodded as a response. We could use the extra brain to figure everything out.

We passed by the market and dodged as many people with the speed we were going. I could also hear Isabelle saying sorry to the people she bumps into.

It makes me want to remove the scarf that was slightly covering Princess Alia's face to make the people move out of our way, but we just continued dodging them.

We finally arrived at the far back of the kingdom. It's a lot quieter here because not a lot of people chose to live in this part of the kingdom.

A lot of the abandoned houses and carriages are here. It somehow has a very dangerous image, so people stay away from these parts as much as they could.

"Stay close to me," I said to both Alia and Isabelle. I felt Alia grab my arm and Isabelle moved slightly closer.

I finally saw the little house, I knew belonged to Danielle.

I knocked on the door "Dan!" I called but no one was answering.

"Dan!" I tried again and the door finally opened with a slightly pissed-off Danielle standing behind it.

"I was sleeping," she said looking at me.

"Sorry, but this is really important," I said.

She groaned slightly "Fine, come in" she invited and opened the door for us. "Your Highness" she bowed slightly at Alia and Alia only forced a smile because of the circumstance.

The house is a little run-down but livable. We went to her dining area and each of us took a seat except Danielle who remained standing.

I sighed "The Longfords are arriving today" I informed them.

I heard Isabelle gasp "But they said we still have about a week," she said with worry.

Danielle sighed "It doesn't matter now. We need to figure out what we'll do today," she said.

Alia nodded "The Longfords are going to be here later this afternoon for a meeting with Leo and me, so we can only help if it's inside the castle"

"Okay. I'll handle everything outside. As long as he doesn't have an army with him, we'll be fine." Danielle said then she turned around to get some papers and pens.

I took one from her and we started sketching and making plans for every possible scenario. We can't let anyone die, so as much as possible this war will be all about stealth, but we'll fight if we have to.

Danielle leaned forward to write on Isabelle's paper "I'm positive that these parts of the castle are emergency exits, most are tunnels, we need to get in and out of the castle fast, we could use these" She said while encircling parts of the drawn map of the castle.

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