Chapter 36

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I bowed my head to greet the royals. My eyes landed on Prince Bryce and saw him give me a menacing smirk.

This asshole.

I glared at him before turning my attention to my father and saw the worry in his eyes.

"No disrespect your highness but why am I getting arrested?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

Our king sighed "The Longfords think that justice wasn't served when you left months ago. They think that the people wouldn't respect our justice system if we let you run free"

I sighed. We need to start the war as soon as possible and maybe after that, I'll run away. Hopefully, Alia would still be keen on leaving, then we could run away together. But the only thing going through my mind is I would never survive in a dungeon ever again.

The times I thought about killing myself in the Savages' dungeon was too much to count. The pain they inflicted, the hunger that felt eternal, and the hopelessness that I felt there were overwhelming.

Sometimes I wake up at night and expect that I was still in the dungeon and my heart would pound like crazy, and not in a good way.

Alia suddenly stepped in front of me. I can practically feel the anger radiating from her body "You're seriously going to arrest her after everything she did to save our kingdom?" She said while staring at her father with anger.

Prince Bryce stepped forward "Princess you don't know anything, trust me we know what we're doing," he said softly. His expression is new to me. It's either he has a soft spot for the princess or maybe because the royals are watching, I'm not sure.

She moved her glare from her father to Bryce "I know enough, and I know that the people would rather see their savior free than locked up. The people love her. As The Knight of Roses or Leona Browne, they adore her. The people will hate you if you go through with her arrest"

My eyes widened from shock. I would never have thought that Alia would be the one to defend my honor. I always saw her staying away from this kind of interaction.

I guess the king was thrown off guard as well because the shock was written on his face.

I saw Bryce taking a huge breath probably regaining his patience. He walked closer to Alia "I'm sorry Princess but it's already been done, she'll be gone by tomorrow" He said.

I clenched my jaw. Tomorrow? Already? I need to think of something. I can't leave the kingdom while the Longfords are still here.

The women trained so hard to be able to fight for their kingdom just for me to leave them hanging. I need to think of something to delay my arrest.

I looked up when I heard people moving and saw the Longfords are starting to leave. I guess it's over.

When the Longfords were gone the King spoke to the knights standing behind me "We can handle it from here, thank you" he said, then the knights walked out of the room.

The only people left in the room were The King and Queen, then Alia and I, and my father who walked and stood beside me.

"I'm not going to that cell without a fight. I'm been through hell and back when I was at the Savages' prison. I'm never going through that again, I'm sorry" I said while looking down and breathing heavily.

I felt the King touch my shoulder "And you won't" he said that made me look up at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked the King.

My father turned to me and answered for him "We were already thinking of ways to keep you out of prison when they told us about things concerning you"

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