Chapter 13

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This is going as horrible as I expected.

We're at the garden with a little gazebo with a table and two chairs where the Princess and Charles are sitting. I'm a few feet away from them, standing and guarding, but unfortunately, I'm still able to hear them perfectly.

I was hoping to finish this day with peace and quiet but instead, I hear Charles' irritating voice the whole time. He even smirks at me from time to time.

Right now, Charles is still talking and bragging about all his achievements, I don't even hear the princess talk that much, she's probably just as tortured as I am.

Charles just loves talking about himself.

I sighed. This is going to be a long day.

"You know my princess, when you marry me I'll treat you the princess that you really are. We're going to have so many beautiful children" Charles moves some of the princess' hair behind her ear then had the audacity to smirk at me.

I don't know why he looks like he's challenging me. I really am clueless.

Does he think that I'm attracted to the princess? Well, I am but I never really showed him any emotion other than boredom or indifference. I only showed emotion when I'm alone with the princess, so what is his deal?

Maybe I'm just thinking about it too much. Maybe he's just showing how close he is to being the King and banishing me.

Oh please, I'll willingly banish myself if he becomes King.

The princess cringed at what Charles said, I wanted to smile at her reaction but stopped myself.

The princess stood up slowly "Thank you for the meal Charles but I think I should go and handle some of my duties" The princess gave him a forced smile but Charles didn't notice that it was forced and he grinned and looked proud of himself.

"It's my pleasure my princess" Then he walked closer to the princess and stood in front of her.

The princess looked confused then Charles smirked and suddenly kissed the princess on the lips.

I was shocked and It looks like the princess was too because both of us were too frozen to move, then I rushed towards them and pulled Charles away from the princess.

Charles turned to me while I was still holding his upper arm "I had the feeling you would do that" He smirked.

"Of course she would, you had no right to kiss me" The princess was fuming.

I never saw her this mad even when she was arguing with her father. Charles pulled his arm from my hand roughly.

The princess walked out, walking slightly faster than her normal speed. Yup, she's pissed.

I rushed to follow her but stayed a little bit farther back. I'm a little scared of her honestly.

When we arrived at the castle she slowed down and I walked beside her not saying anything.

"The audacity of that man. How could he? Just because he has a rich father doesn't give him the right to kiss me, what was he even thinking, I could throw him to the dungeon for what he did" The princess said angrily, she was even panting from anger.

That, I knew, because I was thinking the same thing when I kissed her. Dungeon. I was already thinking about what it's like to stay in a dungeon. I hope the food isn't that bad when I get locked up.

I didn't really know what to reply so I just stayed silent.

When we arrived at her room she left the door open for me to come in and follow her.

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