India is a democracy, world's largest in fact!
But what if, India wasn't a democracy?
What if in 2018, there was a military coup?
What if India's dictator brought a law stating that
"Any and every offence shall and will be a death sentence"...
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Dharam explained to him that according to RTL, if a person is proven to be guilty, then the criminal is killed in the eyes of the public only, not in reality. The criminal then will be kept underground till he or she is fully brainwashed to work for the country as spies or do other jobs. This way they'll walk on the path of redemption and their real punishment will be that they'll work away from their families and will never meet them. This will also ensure that RTL's secret remains a secret. Tahir agreed to it and Dharam was surprised when Tahir suggested that the criminals' looks should be surgically altered and their name changed to keep the secret a secret.
Dharam patted Tahir, "Don't steal my cool dialogue" Tahir laughs "A cool dialogue suits me better than you". They returned to Mona's house and Tahir said goodbye and went inside the car, Dharam with a grin on his face told Nikhil to grow stronger than him to know why did he become India's dictator, Nikhil again softly kicked him implying that he will. Mona wore an eerily false smile when they were leaving but couldn't hold her tears and she ran to the kitchen crying. Nikhil thought "Why does mummy always have to cry in the kitchen?" Dharam Pandit and Tahir Ali returned to Delhi the next day.
Dharam announced RTL as India's supreme law in which any previously implemented law's violation verdict will be death. Dharam didn't announce about the international policies before executing them. They were - India backed down from being a member of United Nations, BRICS (now BRCS) and every other affiliated organisation. After that Dharam waged a war against Pakistan and Bangladesh and integrated the nation. Dharam Pandit said that they (he, Tahir and the army) brought back Bharat. India became the economic capital of the world and become synonymous with prosperity as foreign investment was highly promoted, this also made Dharam Pandit popular outside India. The relationship with China was still fragile.
In 2021, the boom Nanobiology industry made the weapon industry to revolutionize as well as modern biological weapons were introduced among them, the most popular became the NFCR Gun (Neuron Function Corrupting Releaser Gun. This gun is designed to cause the neurons to receive false neurotransmitter which causes the person who has been shot to get uncontrolled stimulus which leaves the neurons effected dead and that leads to the person's death. The major flaw of this gun is that the gun should touch the person being shot and to kill someone, the gun should touch the head, throat or chest of the person otherwise the effective part will only be paralyzed).
Another popular gun was Para-B Gun (Para-Body Gun, this gun paralyses the whole body. Its principle is similar to that of NFCR Gun, but instead of killing it temporarily leaves the nerves inactive thus paralyzing the person).
Many more weapons were created which were more appropriate for military purposes. Among them the most used bomb was PS bomb (a biochemical bomb designed to release mild sulphuric acid which makes the air acidic and breathing it makes the bronchioles malfunction, but just by wearing a Hypo-SA mask and by installing Hypo-SA filters in house, its effects are nullified. This is used to limit the movement of the citizens of the country being attacked as the Hypo-SA mask are not suitable for a long period).
When Dharam Pandit became the dictator of India, a violent protest rally was held in which thousands were killed but the rally leader Saksham Singh managed to escape. He organised another protest when Dharam announced about the RTL, this time he was caught and killed. Not only Indians but the whole humankind had become quite familiar with war. For them it's like one more chore to deal with, advancement only gave more reason to fight.
Most of the fossil fuels depleted and developing their substitutes helped other industries not the fuel industry. Due to the popularity of other economic sectors in 2000s, the employment in the agricultural sector went down globally and famine came quite often from 2021, this gave rise to the popularity of agriculture and people ran towards it. But by that time two major companies had established rule over agricultural market.
They were as popular as the IT industry was in 2000s. The companies did solve most of the food related issues but the companies were profit seeking and their methods of agriculture gave rise to water scarcity so, many protests were carried out against them in many countries. And to combat the water shortages the companies created, UN-Water brought nanotechnology to solve water shortages. New inventions were quite successful at first but failed in the long run, then came the Water Revolution which incorporated nanobiology to solve water shortages and became a success.
But none of the movements to liberalize the food market triumphed because of the two major companies that were ruling the agricultural market. One of the food movements that became the most popular among the rest was Dharam Pandit's FSSAI movement but it only gained momentum in India.
This step was one of the reasons that the USA held back to assassinate Dharam Pandit for 31 years.