Not Just A Paintjob (Knockout and Breakdown TFP)

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^My inspiration for this oneshot^
F/v= favorite vehicle

"A complete makeover." You address the two mechs in front of you.

Excitement flashes in the eyes of Knockout as he squeals and grabs Breakdown's arm to drag him into the attatched room of the medical bay.

"What do you want to be done?" Breakdown pokes his head out sheepishly as Knockout talks non-stop about possible designs.
Shyly, you look down to the floor.
"I want to be a car." Twitching your wings back nervously, you feel energon rising to your faceplates as Knockout looks at you in shock from the doorway.

"You want us to take away you wings? But you're a seeker!" His baffled expression is amusing to watch as he quickly shakes his head.
"Well then. What kind of car do you want to be?" Breakdown prompts.
"Maybe a f/v?" You smile and take a step forwards to look up at the navy mech.

"Sure. We'll see what we have for parts." The large mech pulls Knockout back into the room and the sound of metal hitting the floor makes you jump a bit.
A couple more minutes, and Breakdown is dragging out a sheet of metal with parts on it.
Knockout follows close behind holding a welder and buffer, and the cherry red medic waves you towards the operating table.

"I need you to be in stasis during the process and then I'll bring you back once we're done." His gaze flickers over your orange and red paintjob and he murmers almost to himself, "I wonder if her wings are sentitive."

With energon quickly rising to your faceplates, you quickly lay down on your stomach so the two mechs can start with removing your wings.

With careful servos, Knockout starts to trail his digits around the base of your wings to find the best way to take them off.
A shiver runs through your sensitive wings at the touch and you muffle a squeak.

Hearing the quiet noise leave your dermas, Breakdown nudges Knockout out of the way and takes a cloth from his workbench.
"Your wings should be their cleanest before we remove them. So if you ever want to fly again, they'll be in good shape." Breakdown's deeper voice sends chills up your backstrut as he rubs the cloth over your left wing.
Getting what Breakdown is doing, knockout grabs another cloth and starts to rub little circles on your right wing.

Before long, your wings are cleaner than ever and your faceplate is bluer then the sky.

"Alright doll. It's probably best if you went into stasis now so we can detatch your wings without pain."

Breakdown nods in agreement as Knockout speaks and adds in his own gruff voice, "So when we're done, you can rise like the Phoenix you are are."

A laugh bubbles up at the old nickname as you do as you're told and enter stasis.
A faint tingling feeling is what brings you out of stasis, and your optics come online to see Knockout and Breakdown talking quietly by a pile of orange and red armor.

Your armor

Looking down in fear, you note in relief that you are completely covered by new f/c and s/f/c armor. You sit up and your new armor creaks slightly.

Needs to be oiled and buffed...
At the sound, the two mechs whip around to face you.
"Y/n! You're online!" Knockout's faceplates break out into his signature grin, and Breakdown gives his own smile.

"No worries. Arachnid did your chest and lower body armor. We didn't see anything. And it's all good." Breakdown voices your fears, sending a wave of relief washing over you as you realise that it was another femme that did that part of your armor. Even if that femme was the creepy Arachnid.

"You are a car now, you need to go out to scan your own alt mode, but for now, it's an Aston Martin like my own. We made you scan me to give you a base to start with. Now you just need an oil bath and a good buffing." Knockout puffs out his chest proudly as he speaks, and Breakdown sighs as he looks your new frame up and down.

"You look great. But you look like Knockout. A femme version of Knockout..." His voice cracks towards the end because of his laughter as Knockout wheels a large mirror in fron of where you're sitting on the berth.

Your paintjob is f/c and s/f/c, but your frame resembles Knockout's own, and with a flinch, you realise that you do indeed look exactly like the cherry red mech other than coloring.

"How soon can I scan an alt mode?" You turn to look Breakdown in the optics as Knockout wheels away the mirror.

"Now, if you want. Let me just tell Lord Megatron."

This is gonna be good.

This one is really short because I really had no idea what to do for it.
Word count- 846
Up next- War Paint (Sideswipe)

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