The Morning After (Shockwave TFP)

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This is just a smaller oneshot to get back into writing these! Sorry for the ridiculously long wait but for those of you waiting for a oneshot, they will be out soon!

Your e/c optics come online slowly, feeling the strong, yet gentle embrace of your bondmate as he lays silently behind you with his arm resting over your side securely.

Your helm rests on his other arm.. Er, canon... Rather comfortably, and you curl your backstruts slightly to press your slim back against his chestplates.

"You are awake?" His deep voice sends a tingle down your backstruts as your memories flash back to that same voice last night.

Last night

Your faceplates burn blue with energon as your processor circles back to last night. How your armor had gleamed with condensation as you moved in sync with the purple scientist. How Shockwave's breathless voice and praises pushed you over the edge.

"Y/n?" His voice rings out again. Slight concern prickling at the edges.

"Yeah. I'm up Shocks." You roll over to face him, and affectionately press your dermas to the side of his helm. "How was your recharge?"

His one servo raises to stroke your faceplates to return the affection in his own way. "Logically peaceful Y/n. You are unharmed from last night?" He easily expresses his concern as he gently traces one digit over a couple newer scratches from your interface with him last night

"Nothing that can't be buffed out." You wink cheekily as you turn to swing your legs over the side of the berth, and Shockwave follows you off of the comfortably cushioned metal.

Stretching your sore legs and arms, you smile as Shockwave's pedesteps echo strongly through the room.

"Logical. I will return to you as the sun sets." His arms circle you from behind briefly to say a quick goodbye, before leaving the room.


Word count~ 326

Up next- The Morning After (Soundwave TFP)

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