Gladiator (Megatron TFP) MechxMech

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Hi guys

More gore in this one.. but like, it isthe gladiator arena again so yea.

As stated in the title, this is a male reader! First time trying a Mech x Mech oneshot so bear with me guys and gals!

A single drop of bright blue energon spatters onto the dusty ground beside you as you flinch away from the sword of the opposing gladiator.

Cheers and screams echo around the raised seats circling the two of you, and you look up at the dangerous mech in front of you with a growl.

His optics glow dimly in the bright light as he sneers, and raises his energon-speckled sword.

With a yell of raage,the darker colored mech lunges forwards, his blade following in sloppy movements as he heads for you.

Ducking away from his attack, you bring your energon-spattered sword down on his neck cables as he trips, and his helm hits the ground before the rest of his body as cheers and screams ring out around the edge of the arena.

Sheathing your sword on your back, you wipe the energon from your dermas as you glare around as the high caste Cybertronians cheering in the stands.

A door opens behind you, and your master walks out beside you, her armor glinting in the harsh light like a fallen star.

"You did well. Take this and prepare for your next fight."

Flight directs you towards the opening door on the other side of the arena as she hands you a token for the washracks, and she watches as you leave the arena, Basking in the cheers of her fellow high caste cybertronians.

"You were great out there." Your berthmates congratulate you as you enter the shared berthroom, and you drop your few weapons in a heap with all of the shared weapons of your berthmates.

"Thanks guys. Aren't you up next Megatronus?"

The gray mech thinks for a secong before nodding in agreement. "Yeah. Wish me luck." He sends you a playful smirk, and you can't help but faintly blush.

Annoyance hits you as your blush starts to fade, and you watch as Megatronus leaves the room, heading to his next fight.

Soundwave chuckles from behind you, and you swiftly turn you face him, your processor clouing with thoughts.

Did he find out?

What happened?

Did I give it away?

His face is smug as he deploys all four of his minicons, and sends them to prepare for their upcoming fight.

"You like him don't you." The quiet mech smirks at your now blue face as you glare at him.

"Of course not." You scoff. "I'm only into femmes."

Soundwave rolls his violet optics as he forces you to sit down on your berth.

"Hey stop that! I have to-" Soundwave draws close to you, wedging his lower body between your legs as his face hovers centimeters away from yours.

"Only femmes hmm?" Your blush intensifies as he raises one sharp digit to lightly drag across your chestplates teasingly.

"Yes! Yes ok? Quit that!"

Soundwave barks a laugh as he pulls away from you and shakes his helm.

"You're a bad liar Y/n. Besides, none of us have ever seen you anywhere near a femme other than Flight. And we all know you hate your master."

You groan as you slide off of your berth, and shoot a glare at your friend. "You're an aft. I'm going to clean up."

"I won't tell him Y/n. But you really should. You never know what could happen in the arena."

Soundwave gives you a last warning as he watches you leave the room, sadness tinging his voice as he thinks of his former bondmate.

"Whatever.." You walk down the hall slowly, basking in the fear in the eyes of your fellow gladiators as they move out of your way.

A white and purple femme tries to approach you, but another mech steals her away, whispering something in her ear as she looks at you in disappointment.

With a roll of your optics, you enter the washracks, a couple mech edging past you hurridly on their way out.

"Ah Y/n. How kind of you to join me."

Your gaze flits over Megatronus's frame as you remove your armor, and you slide the token given to you by Flight in the slot.

"Don't you have a fight to get to?" You keep your voice steady as you step under the warm stream of oil, and a sigh leaves your dermas as you feel the dust being washed out of the cracks in your armor.

"I do. But I have some time before it starts."

Beside you, Megatronus turns to face you as he stretches under the oil, and spins the wheel to turn off the steady stream.

Oil drips down his shiny protoform as he wipes a couple drops from his faceplates, and you find yourself staring for a little too long.

"Why bother clean yourself before the fight? You're just going to get dirty anyways." You spin the wheel for your own oil, and it slows to a stop.

Megatronus throws you a dry rag to dry yourself as he moves to start polishing his armor, and you find yourself watching his smooth movements as cleans his armor to be spotless.

"The cleaner I am, the more relaxed I am. Which means I don't get the battle jitters."

Remembering his ease during his fights, you nod in understanding.
"I see."

You sit to polish your own armor beside him, and he glances over at you fondly as you focus on your armor.

Clipping on his own armor, he helps you finish up your own. But you can swear that he's taking extra care and using less roughness while polising your armor.

Pushing away your silly thoughts, you start to clip on your armor, but before you get the chance to finish, Megatron is there.

Pushing you forcefully against the wall of the washracks, he presses his dermas harshly to yours and your optics widen in surprise.

"Don't think I havn't seen you staring at me Y/n. I know you like me." A low noise escapes your throat pipe as you spin him around and press his back against the wall, pressing your dermas back against his with a low growl.

"Damn right." You mutter between kisses, and the slightly smaller mech chuckles at your eagerness.

"It's a good thing then that I like you too Y/n."

I don't know why, but this was easier to write then the femmexmech stuff I usually write? Meh. Hope you all enjoyed that. And feel free to request more mechxmech of femmexfemme guys and gals! Actually, any requests would be good. Cya!

Word count- 1131
Up Next- Shockwave (TFA)

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