A Netflix and Chill ?

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Desires POV

Wednesday, November 25, 2016

Me and August have been texting non stop since Saturday. We talk about random and funny things. He's really a joy to talk to. I've been waiting for him to ask me on another date or hang out or something but whenever I asked him did he wanna go to lunch , he said he had to work , and whenever I ask him wyd he says work. I wonder where he works and why he's always there . Oh I sure hope he doesn't do anything illegal . I'm not stereotyping but you can't put anything past these Atlanta niggas.

But anyways , today was a busy day. I was doing rounds for my salon's annual event called "Help a neighbor out." It's a contest that smaller companies and businesses in Atlanta enter for a chance to win $50,000 to go towards there business. I selected the winning business based off work ethic , by which I observe, and listening to their plans of what to do with the money is. I take two weeks of doing this. I'm currently narrowed down to two companies .

I was on my way this morning to visit Company A , I would sit and watch them work , who's giving orders , the vibes in there air , things like that.

When I walked in I was greeted by the CEO and showed around the area I would be observing and what they would be doing today . "We don't open until 9am and since its 8am the janitor is just going to come and clean up a bit in here." He told me. "Okay that is completely fine." I said taking a seat and taking out my laptop to take some notes.

I heard some shuffling around and looked up and seen a guy with his back to me moping on the other side of the room. "GoodMorning" I greeted but I realized he had his earphones in so he didn't hear me. "Um hello ?" I said a little louder but he still didn't hear me so I got up outta my seat and walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me sir" I said and he turned. "Good- .. August?" I cut off my statement when I realized it was August. He's a janitor ?


August POV

I went in to work this morning about 6 so I could leave around 9:30 and go get my daughter so I could take her out to lunch like I promised .

I was moping with my headphones in when I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around. "Good- .. August?"
Oh shit it was Desire 🤦🏽‍♀️ . "Uhh wassup Desire" I said rubbing the back of my neck. "I didn't know you worked here" she said looking at me. "Uhh yeah , I work here part time from my other job." I told her . "Ohhh okay . Well I'm .. glad to see you're working so hard" she said smiling.  

I could tell she was trying to digest this but she didn't wanna show how shocked she was . I mean she's a millionaire dating a part time janitor , I don't blame her for being shocked but how she acts on it is what I'll judge her on. Because I'm just tryna provide for my child and I wasn't ashamed about that for anybody .

"Uh yeah . Gotta make a way some how ya know" I said standing up straight. "Well cool. I'm reviewing this place for my contest" she said moving on. "Oh that's cool." I said smiling .

"Is he bothering you Ms. Desire?" The CEO said coming in . I looked at him so stupid. "Oh of course not. This is a close friend of mine" she said looking at me smiling. I looked at her shocked that she would tell somebody that. "Oh okay ." The CEO said eyeing me. So I waved at him and he walked off.

"Well what time do you get off" she said smiling at me. "Uhh 9:30" I told her. "Okay , well do you think we could go to lunch maybe" she said putting her head down. "Uhh me and Ava are going to for pizza , you're more than welcome to come." I told her. "Oh well I don't want to intrude we can do it another time" she said smiling . "Okay cool. I just haven't talked to her about you yet .. because I don't know what to tell her yet." I said laughing .

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