Today is the day

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"Wakey wakey!" A voice shouted from across the room from where I laid. I slowly opened one eye and pulled the cover down a little to see who it was, CM Punk or may I say Phil Brooks. "C'mon you gotta get up, its your big day today." He said as he came over and jumped on the bed. I groaned at him and turned over causing me to fall out of the bed. I yelped and slowly picked myself of from the ground. I looked at him and gave him a smile. "I can't believe this is finally it Phil! I'm actually going to become a professional wrestler!" I said as I grinned at him. He smiled back and shook his head. "Your mom would be proud of you y'know...and your da-"

"Can we not speak about them."

"I was just saying they would be pro-"

"Phil!" I shouted at him as I stared right at his face. I looked down ashamed that I shouted at him and I shook my head with a sigh. "I'm going to get a shower and get changed, I'll be out in a few." I spoke quietly as I continued to look down and then walked away slowly, shutting the bathroom door behind me. Phil continued to sit on the bed, in silence, staring at the other side of the apartment. It wasn't our apartment, it was the hotels. We always have to stay in hotels when moving around with the WWE, its annoying but you do get use to it I guess. I turned on the shower and got naked, dumping my clothes on the floor, I then got in the shower. I washed myself and then got out, I feel so much more refreshed and relaxed now. I looked at myself in the mirror, fiddling with the ends of my long black hair with the little lilac colour at the ends of my hair. I smiled at myself, I can do this...I just gotta believe I can do this. I decided to leave my hair down as it covered half of my face which to be honest I didn't really wanted to be seen today...I don't know why I get like that, I guess its cause of the marks that my da...I shook my head and closed my eyes. Stop thinking about that god dammit! I sighed and decided that it would be a good idea to get changed. I put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a vest top, the top it off to make it look smart I added a blazer to cover my arms with. I looked at myself in the mirror once again and smiled, I could tell I was nervous no matter how hard I tried to hide it, I could see it. I continued to smile at myself and then left the bathroom. Phil straight away rose up from where he was sitting and stood up straight. "Looking nice, Atheney ." Phil teased as he walked over to my bag that had my wrestling gear in and picked it up. "Shut it Phillip." I nudged him and took the bag from him.

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