Just getting started

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Phil and I walked through the doors of WWE and looked around. Walking through each corridor seeing different wrestlers walking through, some of them smiled at me like Jack Swagger, John Cena, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Brie and Nicki Bella, Alica Fox and all of them. We turned around the corner and spotted Phil's girlfriend (well really wife) AJ Lee. She turned around to face him and ran towards us, grinning. She wrapped her arms around his necks and kissed his lips. I looked away cringing the hell out. To be honest I haven't had much luck with guys...and I don't think I ever will. I looked back and saw them two just looking at each other just smiling away like two idiots. She then turned to me and smiled. "You excited?" she asked me before giving me a hug to say hello. "Yeah well I'm a bit nervous in all but yeah..." I nodded and smiled at her. "Its alright to be nervous Athena, we all was at some point...I mean me and AJ well be out there watching you outside of the ring." CM Punk said as he put his hand on my shoulder, AJ nodded for agreement on what he was saying. "Okay thank you...anyway who am I up aganist.?" I asked out of curiosity. Punk looked away and AJ looked to the ground. "Vince was being a bit harsh..." Punk began to say as he looked at me slowly. Oh god, this is bad. "He put you up against Paige, he wanted to test you and see if you could handle her." AJ carried on. My eyes immediately opened as I heard the word "Paige". I knew exactly who she was and what she's done. "Isn't she the one that threw you into the po-"

"Yes it is...can we not go there." AJ interrupted me as she shook her head. I shrugged and smiled...I was more nervous than ever. "Anyway AJ will take you to the changing rooms for you to get changed...I'll see you out there Athena...Good luck." Punk smiled at me as he hugged me and ruffled my hair. I pouted at him and then shook my hair into place. "Thanks." I said as I turned away from him and looked at AJ. AJ said her goodbye to her husband and then left him. We walked down corridors after corridors going to the changing rooms with AJ giving me tips and blabbing on about something to do with how she first started. I looked down concentrating on the steps I walked. I then suddenly bumped into something and immediately looked up. I looked up to see a tall (at least about 6ft something), muscular, blacked hair man stood in front of me. "I...I am so sorry...I...I didn't see you there...I mean I wasn't looking where I was goin-''

"Its fine seriously!" He laughed and smiled at me with his pearl white teeth. "Oh okay...urm I better be on my way..." I slowly moved away from him, I'm such an idiot. "Wait." He grabbed my arm and pulled me back in front of him. "Aren't you...what's it...Athena? yeah Athena?" He asked me, his hand still around my wrist firmly. I nodded and cleared my throat. "Yeah...I'm Athena." I said to him with a smile, my eyes moved to his...wow...his eyes. "Well I'm glad to meet you, I've heard quite a lot about you...anyway I best let you go." He smiled at me as he released my wrist from his hand. "By the way, I'm Alex... Alex Riley." His said in his pure American accent, in my head he sounded like he came from Washington D.C. (Thanks to all that geography I took in high school). "Well its nice to meet you...Alex Riley." I smiled back at him, his eyes flicked up to mine and it stayed like that for a few moments. I was breathless, I was taken away...he looks, his voice, his body...damn. In second thoughts he could be happily married with kids for all I know but his finger...I looked, no ring? Maybe engaged? Or maybe he just has a girlfriend? I pressed my lips together as I felt a tug at my other arm and I split the eye contact between me and Alex. I then walked away from him reaching to AJ's arm to grab hold of even more. I turned around and saw Alex walking off into the distance. My heart was beating like mad. "Check you out Athena, you've already picked up a guy!" AJ laughed and she nudged me a little. I shook my head and smirked. "No I haven't, watch I won't even see him after that." I spoke in response as I looked away from her. "Your talking about Alex Riley here, Thee Alex Riley. The way he looked at you Athena... the only time he'd actually ever looked at a girl like that was years ago before she cheated on him with his bestfriend The Miz. Athena I think your in for it." AJ nudged me again and smirked at me as she opened a door. "Yeah yeah whatever." I mumbled. I didn't want to believe it but she's most likely right as she's known Alex longer than me but c'mon really...Why would someone as handsome as Alex go for someone like me, I cover half of my face with half my hair for hells sake. I shook my head as I dumped my bag on the bench.

It's my time now.

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