It's you again

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We came out of the ring and walked to backstage. "You did so well, you beat the hell out of her Athena!" Punk said as he patted my shoulder. "I'm so glad that bitch has learnt a lesson." AJ growled. I laughed and shook my head. "Anyway...I see lover boy over there, me and Punk are going to leave you two alone." AJ sniggered as she pointed ahead and saw Alex Riley walking around. I sighed and looked at her. "Whatever." I huffed and watched AJ and Punk go off. I walked over to Alex who's eyes lit up just as he saw me. "Oh hey Athena, nice was really good out there." He smiled at me just as I stood in front of him. He leaned against the wall next to me and carried on looking at me. I couldn't help but smile, I brushed my hair a little out of my face and pressed my lips together. "Thanks but how did you watch it?" I laughed. "TV." He looked down and raised his eyebrows just before looking at me again. I didn't say anything I just laughed at him. "Anyway...I erm...just wanted to ask...if you kinda wanted...-" Suddenly he paused and his eyes widen. "Watch out!" He said as he grabbed me and wrapped his arms around my skinny body. He fell to the floor with me in his arms and I closed my eyes. "Get your hands off that little slut." A voice screamed. I opened my eyes...Paige. Alex stood up still with me in his arms, I slowly escaped from his big muscled arms and stood in front of him with my arms folded. "Slut? You barley no me Paige." I laughed and shook my head. I watched her as she rolled her eyes and turned to Alex. She budged me out of the way and placed her fingers on Alex's chest, jealous hit me. He's mine, get off. To me he was mine, he just protected me from her. "What do you want Paige?" Alex huffed and looked away from her. She spreaded her fingers to the waist band of his wrestling briefs and smirked. "Do you want to come back to my place? You know like we can have some fun without the newbie over there." She nodded her head towards me. Newbie? You've got it be kidding me! Newbie. Alex pushed her away a little and looked down. "I'm staying with her, sorry Paige." He shrugged and then looked up at her. Suddenly her hand was whipped around his cheek and the sound of the slap could be heard from a distance. Alex held his face, I could already see the redness. I growled and pulled her head dragging her away from him. I shoved her into the wall and she smashed her head of the corner and she fell to the ground, laughing away. "You wait Athena, your time well come well quick and everything will be over." She mumbled and spat on the ground. She then leaped at me and got on top of me, I heard footsteps just before I bashed my head on the concrete below. I screwed my eyes up feeling the pain hit the back of my head. I see Alex just behind Paige trying to get her off me whilst she beat me up. I guess I had it coming being the "newbie" and all. I closed my eyes and I felt the weight of Paige disappear. I open my eyes and I catch my breath back. "Athena, are you okay?" I heard a voice say. Alex? I see a hand and I reach out for it, I could hear screaming amongst all of this. Paige? I looked who's hand it was, it was Alex's. I held onto it with a smile and then looked at Paige who was being held by Triple H and a few body guards. "Paige, get out of the building!" Triple H shouted at her. She looked at him horrifed at his words. "What?! Me get out?! It was her! It was her who started it!" She shrieked as she pointed at me. She then get dragged away, her screams and shouting echoing. Triple H moved to me and Alex and smiled at us both. "Keep her safe." He winked at Alex and walked away. "Keep her safe?" What do you mean by "Keep her safe?" I barly know the guy! But I couldn't... I did like him and I did have to admit that to myself. I turned around to Alex with a grin. "Thank you." I said as I looked down at our hands. Cute? "For what?" He asked raising his eyebrows. "Y'know protecting me." I mumbled and looked away awkwardly. He chuckled and smiled at me. "It's fine, you don't need to say thank you." He casually said. Then that's when I remembered he was about to ask me something. "Oh what was you going to ask me by the way?" I raised an eyebrow slightly at him as I looked at him in the eyes. He looked at me nervously and looked away. "Well considering that your now injured I was going to ask you out for dinner but instead we can chill at my hotel apartment and order a pizza?" He asked me as he squeezed my hand. I thought about for a second. He's just going to use you Athena like all the rest of them, don't fa for it. I ignored the thoughts in my mind and agreed to his offer. He smiled at me and I smiled back and then we left hand in hand back to his hotel apartment.

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