The first fight

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I was all up and ready in my gear, my denim ripped shorts, all black converse's and my black ripped up top that just comes just underneath my boobs. I stood at the front entrance waiting for my music to kick off, I was ready...I was more ready then I've ever been. My music kicked in and I heard my name being said my the ring announcer and I ran out to the stage. I rose my hands up in the air and did a peace sign with right hand and winked at the crowd. The crowd cheered and I walked down the ile, I got to the ring and stood at the side of it placing my hand on either side of the top rope and smiled as I faced the stage, hearing the crowd cheer as I see AJ and Punk come on for support. I fell backwards and landed on both of my feet firmly. I flicked my hair back and waited for Paige to come out. In a matter of seconds later she did, the paleness of her skin and that mimicking she does of AJ. I saw AJ's face drop and Punk held her back and said something to her. I looked at Paige as she gave me a dirty look as she stepped into the ring. Her music stopped and she stood on the opposite side of the ring. "Look what the cat dragged in, another bitch." I heard her say, that set my wood on fire inside. I was ready to beat the living hell out of her. The bell rang and we both moved forward to each other. "Not going to speak huh?" She questioned me. Annoying British accents. "Shut your mouth." I said just before spitting in her face. Her mouth widened with disgust as she shrieked a little. She wiped my spit from her face and shook her head as she opened eyes. "You want to play it like that huh?". She questioned me again. Suddenly she came for me and jumped on me, she punched me a couple of times, I let her do it, she doesn't know how good I'am. I decided to big it up at little and I took a deep breath. I then slammed my forehead into hers hard and she screamed and fell back. My forehead tingled slightly as I got up and looked at the crowd and then Punk and AJ. "Get her!" They both screamed at me. I laughed and started to kick Paige in her sides. I then picked her up with her hair, dragging her a little, she screamed and the referee told me to get off her hair so I did. I stood her up and gave her a massive clothesline which knocked her down. I stood her up and did it again. She was on the floor by the looks of things, passed out almost. This was my time to do my finisher. I ram to the corner of the ting nearest the Paige and climbed up to the top. I faced the crowd as they cheered and I raised my arms in the air. I then flipped myself backwards and found myself perfectly landing right on top of Paige. Yes! Yes! Yes! This is it! "Pin her Athena!" I heard Punk shout. I listened to what he said and I pinned her. "1...2..." Suddenly the kicked out. What the hell? I raised my eyebrows and turned to AJ. "Do the moonsault again!" She said as she jumped up and down and I listened and did what she said. I got on the top ropes again just as Paige got up, I decided to do a normal flip with a drop kick to hurt her more and knock her down. It worked and she fell to the ground banging her head on the apron. I quickly pinned her again. "1...2...3!". The bell rang and the ring announcer said "The winner of this match issss....Athena Jayne!". I got up and smiled, I couldn't believe it. I actually won! Punk and AJ came running in hugging me from behind saying congratulations and all that. The referee held up my arm as well as Punk as well and the crowd cheered and chanted my name. This is my new home.

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