It all starts here

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Alex pulled up in front of the hotel's apartments and turned to me, he smiled and then tipped his head back. I sat there dead still in pain from the beating that I got from Paige. "You alright?" Alex said, my eyes turned to him. "Yeah you could say that." I said with a whisper. He raised his eyebrows and looked out of the window. The night was a dark cold night, you could just see the frost from the winter come upon the windows of the car. I pressed my lips together and sighed quietly. "Do you want me to help you get out of the car?" I heard Alex ask.

I looked at him just as he looked at me, I kindly shook my head to say no. I know I was in pain but I'm pretty sure I can still walk. Alex shrugged and then got out the car, he then came around to my door and opened it for me like a gentlemen would do. I got up slowly as I looked at the ground, trying not to show how much pain I was actually in. Please don't help me, please don't help me, please don't help me. I finally stod up straight and I moved out of the way so that Alex could shut the door. He looked at me just as he shut the door and he raised his eyebrows again. "It's obvious that your in pain Athena, just let me help you." I looked at him and didn't say anything. "Please?". I sighed. "Athena, you can't make it in there by yourself." I looked at him again and then looked down. "Fine." I said as held my hand out for him. I could hear him just smiling as he took my hand and then put his arm around me to help me with my walking. Eventually after a while we made into the lift and I leaned against the wall of it breathlessly. "Thank you." I spoke under my breath as the lift started moving. "Stop saying thank you." He smiled and moved closer to me. I looked at him as my body went tingley. His eyes, his eyes. My eyes went down to his lips. I felt his eyes do the same. He then placed a hand just at the side of my head and moved a little closer to my face, I could feel his warm breath against the side of my cheek. My body was screaming for him to kiss me, I wanted him, I wanted his lips on mine just so its over and done with. He moved a inch closer so his nose was touching mine and my eyes flicked up to his eyes, these vibrant green blue eyes. I moved my hand to his cheek and I watched him smile. He then titled his head and moved his lips just an inch away from mine but suddenly the doors of the lift flew open. We both looked at each other and moved away, seeing that there was a parent with their kid outside of the lift waiting to come in. Me and Alex both awkwardly removed ourselfs from the lift and we both looked at each other when the lift was closed. We laughed and smiled at each other like two idiots, like the way AJ and Punk does when they are together. "That wasn't awkward at all." Alex said with his eyes narrowing the other way. "No it wasn't at all." I laughed sarcastically. He laughed as well and then put his hands on my waist. I looked at him in the eyes. Don't do it, don't do it. He looked directly back at me and moved one of his hands underneath my chin. "You know your really beautiful Athena." He said with a smile. Why are you doing this? I smiled at him, that's all I could "I know this is all a little too quick and all but...I think I like you..." His words sounded true, like he was actually meant to say this. "Al...Alex...I...-"

He then interrupted me by placing his finger on my lips and making a shh-ing sound with his lips. I watched him carefully, everything about him was...perfect. He then moved his head closer to mine and kisses my lips softly, my head was wizzing round and round. Alex Riley just kissed me. He let go off my lips and smiled, I did the same. "Be mine Athena? Let me take you out for a date when you get better." He asked as he kissed my lips again quickly. I didn't know what to say, I was shocked, my mind was blank. AJ was right. Athena, say something! Say something! "Yea... yeah! Seems good to me Alex." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He then picked me up like a baby and walked me in his arms, us two giggling away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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