Kirishima Eijirou x Reader (Angst) -Thank you

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He couldn't believe what she'd done for him. The attack on the summer training camp was the worst experience any of the students had experienced in their time at UA. So many students were harmed in the battle against the Villains, and 2 of them hadn't made it back safely. One of the pro heroes just happened to be another addition to that, making everyone and the media lose hope in UA and the hero society completely. A lot of questions were asked to the students that were involved, though none of them answered anything that wasn't necessary.

He had ran out to try and save Bakugou after the flame Villain attacked the building they were residing in for the time being, ignoring the shouts and yells of his classmates and teachers. There was nothing more he wanted in the world than to make sure his friend remained safe and sound. The idea of losing him forever pained him almost as much as what he found out next.

He ran through the forest, coming across a battle. Midoriya, Todoroki and Shoji were fighting a group of 4 villains themselves by the looks of things. He didn't want to distract any of them, as he knew they could lose their lives at any second with one slip-up. He noticed someone run out of the bushes and towards a villain in a top hat. It was y/n! She was the one thing he hoped he wouldn't see here. She tended to run into situations which would often result in victory for the hero side, but also injury for her. She had the quirk of being able to manipulate water, so going against the fire villain would be the best choice for her at this point. Unfortunately, she was heading straight for the prize. The villain she was running at - from what Kirishima had heard - had two orbs. These two orbs contained Bakugou and Tokoyami, and it made Kirishima wonder why his feet wouldn't move. He couldn't do anything to save them, though he wished he could have.

She kicked his jaw, making him release the two orbs from his mouth.

The flame villain grabbed her by the neck, presenting a blue flame in front of her face.

She kicked and screamed, trying to get away from him.

He smirked cocking his head to one side.

Eijirou watched with wide eyes, unable to move.

He shoved the flame in her face, her screams growing louder as he laughed.

Kirishima watched as her body went limp in the villain's arms, him slinging her over his shoulder and tapping her butt with a dark chuckle and pervy expression. He felt his anger rise up within him, though his body would still not move. He couldn't place why he couldn't move, even after hearing all of his friends scream out to her. Bakugou ended up being in the villain's grasp after a moment or two as well, making Eijirou more frustrated that he was too scared to move.

After everything had been dealt with, he went to the hospital to visit Midoriya. On his way there, he thought about how he had just left her when he could have saved her and his best friend. The 3 of them used to hang out, and before UA it was just Kirishima and Y/n.

The little girl cried as her big brother and his friends kicked and punched her, wanting to just escape from them. She hated the way that they treated her.

"Koto-chan? M-Mother?"

"Pathetic. No wonder her mother hated her."

"Don't you know she's dead Y/n?! She'd gone, and she won't come back to help you! Ever! It was all your fault!"

The girl looked down at the ground as tears poured from her large e/c eyes like waterfalls. She knew it was her fault that her mother had died. She had died after giving birth to her. She had been told by her father that her last words had been "please take care of her. She's going to be a great hero someday.", before she smiled with tear-filled eyes and her heart stopped. Her brother had been 6 at the time, and still hated her for it 7 years on.

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