Shigaraki Tomura x Dying! Reader - Maybe next time

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Things weren't supposed to turn out like this.

You were pretty much like every kid in Japan who wanted to be a hero. You wanted to smile like All Might and show the world that they were safe, but then your quirk manifested. It was something that usually happened at age 4, but your mother had noticed that you were a late bloomer. It eventually arrived though, giving you the power 'ghost'. You could move through surfaces easily and many quirks were therefore cancelled out. Your hands became transparent after the first few years, before turning to an inky black colour. Your mother was concerned since it looked unhealthy, and tried to help you. The moment she touched your black swirling skin though, she screamed.

A little girl who wasn't even old enough to comprehend what was happening watched in fear as her mother tore at her own hair, ripping it out along with patches of skin. She was experiencing her real quirk, she later found out. The woman tore at her face, pulling her eyes out of the sockets and bled out, eventually dying on that spot and leaving her daughter to cry fearfully and hug her deceased mother's body.

The neighbours heard her screams and called the cops, though they turned up too late. The girl struggled to explain herself, but refused to let anyone touch her black skin.

From then on, the girl presided in an orphanage. She could no longer pass through walls, and the inky coloured skin swirled around like an endless vortex. The place was boring, cold and damp; somewhere that could be in a horror movie. She spent her time up until the age of ten in the hell hole, when she was suddenly adopted by a young couple. They were the type that smiled brightly and had red cheeks, voices filled with kindness.

Y/n was unsure at first, since she hadn't spoken to anyone since the day of her mother's death. She hadn't seen a kind expression since then either, since the carers and other children never smiled. She often spent her time in her room, reading and doodling on the large stack of paper that had been placed into her room along with a pencil on her first day as a form of entertainment. Over the years, the paper stack decreased quickly, until she had used it all. That left the little girl with nothing left to do but stare at her hands and talk to herself.

She soon found out that her new 'parents' were called Anthony and Jessica. They were both heroes that had previously arrived from America, which Y/n decided was why they looked so different from everyone else. They lived in a small blue suburban home with a Labrador named Terrance. The girl was frightened of Terrance, since she had never seen a creature like him before unless they were in a children's book.

Anthony and Jessica couldn't have a child of their own, which was why the couple decided to adopt a child. They hadn't wanted to adopt at first, but Jessica had soon been persuaded by her husband to allow a child into their home. The woman was devastated when she had found out she couldn't have children, and was also a little weary about adopting a child.

Jessica and Anthony has both noticed that the young female was quiet, not speaking whatsoever. She wore bandages around her lower arms which covered her fingers too, to which they decided not to question. They both thought that the girl resembled a baby deer, and let her come to them first.

The first time that Jessica heard Y/n call her 'mommy' was when she couldn't reach the tap to get some water. The young girl had made her mother cry in happiness, hugging the girl tightly in her arms. The young female was confused and felt uncomfortable since she hadn't felt such contact in years, but she began to enjoy it. She soon referred to both Anthony and Jessica as dad and mom. Things were beginning to look better for the family.

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