Dabi x reader - my favourite hero

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(Ik it's Diamond from Houseki no Kuni but this is reader's hero costume)

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(Ik it's Diamond from Houseki no Kuni but this is reader's hero costume)

You walked through the streets of the city, looking for any work to do. You were one of the newest heroes that had arisen, coming in 2nd place after Deku. You were well known around the world for working with him on multiple jobs, the most famous one being an encounter with the villain All for One when you were still in school. You were saving your good friend, Kacchan - who was the number three hero - and had managed to do so successfully without actually fighting anyone.

You heard a scream coming from an alleyway, and ran through it as fast as you could. You turned a corner and froze, met with the sight of some guy with a knife. He was holding a girl against a wall and reaching down her pants. People like this didn't deserve to be out in the public. You whistled to catch his attention, before walking closer. He held the knife closer to her throat as you got closer though, so you stopped.

"Leave now, hero. Unless you want me to use your pretty little ass too." He smirked as he said this, and you frowned.

"I wouldn't mess with me, dude," you looked at the poor girl, "I'll save you. Don't worry."

The male laughed before using his quirk and burning some of the girls face. It appeared to be that he could generate burning oil from his hands. She screamed in agony as your eyes widened, trying to decide what to do. You crossed your arms in an 'x' shape, before pulling them apart and sending a large gust of wind into his face. He flew backwards and his back hit the wall with a sickening thud, before he slid down it and went still. You sighed and walked up to the girl, taking her hand and running past his body to the street. There was already an ambulance there. Someone must've seen you running into the alleyway and heard the scream. You gave the girl to the paramedics and explained briefly what happened. They nodded and thanked you as you walked back into the alleyway, towards the location of the villain. You turned the corner again, but froze in your steps. The villain wasn't there.

A hand clamped over your mouth and one wrapped around your waist, holding your arms close to your torso. You attempted to scream and use your quirk, but the male just burned you with his quirk. It was painful, feeling the hot liquid run down your sides and legs. You tried your best not to cry and held your tears in. There would surely be scars left over from this encounter.

He dragged you out into the street, seeing that other heroes were here now. You recognised a few of them as Red Riot, Alien Queen And Deku. They were all looking around for the villain that you'd encountered obviously, but froze when they saw you. The male moves his hot hand to your neck, causing you to whimper a little.

"Get out of here heroes, or I'll burn right through her throat."

The heroes clearly believed him, because they began to back off a little. The three of them looked hesitant to do anything, in fear of you being killed. Several police officers and cars surrounded the male and you, shouting orders to stand down or else they would have to shoot him. He backed up into a wall, putting you in front of him as much as you could to use as a shield. His other hand that was around your waist moved it's way down and entered your shorts. You struggled and your eyes widened, tears now threatening to spill from them.

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