Yandere! Shigaraki Tomura x Reader - Unstable

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The familiar sensation of restraints was the thing that you were presented with when your eyes opened. Your entire body felt numb and you couldn't move anything - it was almost as if you didn't possess a body at all. You hadn't been able to move for the past week or so according to your guesses. There were no windows in the small bedroom that you had been placed in at all, meaning that you had no indication of what time of day it was currently.

A dull tapping noise caught your attention and your gaze snapped towards the large, rusty, steel door that was blocking you from your freedom. These tapping noises became more clear and you could distinguish them as footsteps, the only ones that you had heard in a few days. The male who had swiped you from your comfortable bed had left you to starve for a few days because you spat in his face. You had no regrets about it.

The sound of jingling keys was the sound that next reached your ears, the footsteps becoming less frequent before coming to a complete halt. Your captor inserted a key into the lock and you heard it unlock, before the door silently swung open to reveal the male that you hated most at this moment; Tomura Shigaraki.

You had known about him for a while, as he had attacked your first year hero class more than enough times for you to recognise him. Your first encounter had been back at the USJ when he made his first public attempt at ending the life of the symbol of peace.

You tackled the hand-covered male just as he was about to kill your friend, pushing him down onto the ground and holding him down by his wrists. You had already seen his quirk in action when he attacked your teacher, Eraserhead, and deducted that he needed to use all five of his fingers to activate it. Therefore, if he couldn't reach you, he would be unable to use his destructive quirk on you.

Said male let out a ferocious growl and struggled to get you away from him, though found his efforts fruitless due to your vice-like grip upon his wrists. You felt a shiver run down your spine as he began to speak with a sly and cunning tone.

"You're pretty strong for a first year, aren't you?"

You remained silent, frozen in place by his glowing crimson gaze that seemed to be piercing your soul. A low, deranged chuckle escaped the dry-skinned male's lips as his pupils widened drastically.

"You're also pretty attractive for a hero student. Too bad you're on their side!"

He shoved you off of him and climbed over you, gripping your neck with a tight grip. He had four fingers touching you, now hovering dangerously close as a silent warning.

"You'd be a real valuable asset to my mission. Hey.. why don't you join my league? Help me take down the symbol of peace and show society what real fear is! I can picture it now! Us taking over the world and showing everyone that I'm the symbol of Fear! Won't you join me?!"

Your eyes were swelling up with tears as you tried to hold them back. The male that was over you was a terrifying being, one that could end your life should you disagree with him.

The weight of him above you suddenly vanished as a hard punch was delivered to the side of his head. Tomura was thrown off to the side as one of your classmates, Midoriya Izuku, crouched down and lifted you onto your feet.

"He didn't hurt you L/n-chan, did he?"

You shook your head, wiping your tears away after your shock subsided.



After all of that had happened, the gigantic monster known as Nomu was detained and arrested.

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