chapter fourteen

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"I'm sorry I couldn't get here any earlier!" panted Lexi, bursting through the hospital room. She rested her hands on her knees, huffing and puffing before taking a large breath to steady herself. "Vladovich caught me trying to escape at lunch, he was watching me like a hawk after that."

"It's okay." I spoke, a lot quieter than I'd intended. My throat was dry from spending hours sat beside Yaz. I couldn't help but watch over her, just in case she woke up.

"So what happened?" asked Lexi, leaning against the wall. She looked between Yaz and I with worry, awaiting my next words.

"I got kicked out of Vladovich's lesson - probably why he had such a close eye on you in the first place - then I took a walk and found Yaz. She wasn't acting like herself which was why I rang you." I paused, gripping onto the side of the bed and standing up for the first time in a while. My legs wobbled like a baby giraffe taking its first steps. "Then when she collapsed, I panicked and called an ambulance. They wouldn't let me stay with her and when I finally got to see her again, she had all these tubes in her. They won't tell me anything."

Pointing across at Yaz, I choked back my tears. She looked awful. I hoped she would be alright.

"She's going to be fine, okay? She's in safe hands. They'll get her back to herself in no time." said Lexi, hugging me tightly. I couldn't help but let a few tears escape, rolling down my cheeks before they evaporated into her neck. "And hey, you should be glad you got kicked out of class otherwise you'd have never found her."

Pausing for a moment, Lexi's words digested before I let go of her quickly. "Oh my god. I had detention tonight."

"Seriously? Oh crap. You go, okay? I'll look after Yaz." replied Lexi, hugging me once more before I bolted out of the room.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, thankful that I didn't bump into Hanna or Nate along the way. Not that they would turn up - Hanna only cared about Yaz when it benefited her.

Dashing out of the ward, down the corridor and into the lift before continuing my journey across town, I hoped I'd make it. But by the time I'd got back onto campus, the school was deserted.

Running into the detention room, I was met with an empty class. I was a no show and that was not good. Not showing up to detentions meant something a lot worse - suspension, probably expulsion - and as much as I enjoyed being a bad ass, I couldn't risk getting kicked out of school.

So I decided to find Mr. Vladovich before he left for the day in hopes of apologising for my behaviour. All traces of a hangover were long gone now, replaced by an overwhelming worry for Yaz and my future.

Knocking the door twice, I waited patiently for a response. The door swung open, two beady eyes staring down at me.

"Hey Vlad- Mr. Vladovich. Can I borrow a moment of your time?" I asked calmly, correcting my casual approach. He eyed me up and down before walking away from the door. Curious, I followed him inside and I couldn't help but feel like a fly wandering into a nest full of hungry spiders.

"What is it?" he asked, sitting back down at his desk and adjusting his reading glasses. He was sat forward, marking test papers, crossing and ticking away.

"Okay, so, I kinda didn't turn up to detention..." I stumbled, looking over at his nodding head. "But you probably already know that." I sighed. "I promise I had a valid reason. You see-"

"Nothing you say is a valid reason, Miss. Whethers." he contended, taking his glasses off. Standing up, he walked across to me. "You missed your detention, knowing full well what that meant."

"I'm sorry, okay? Stuff... happened and I completely forgot." apologising, I took a step towards him, holding my hands together. "Please sir, please just give me one more chance."

"Very well." he said, walking back to his desk with his hands behind his back. "In that case, I will not put a suspension order into the head office."

"You won't?" I asked, confused. And then it hit me. "Oh please sir, please don't get me expelled. I promise I'll be nicer."

"No, no. You'll do your detention tomorrow." he responded, smirking slightly. "And then you'll do it the next day and the one after - then you'll do this for an entire month. Okay?"

Nodding slightly, lips pursed together, I awkwardly looked at my feet. "Okay."

There was something about the way he spoke, much calmer than before, that made me feel ashamed. But the feeling of embarrassment soon faded when I realised what this meant.

A month of after school detentions with Danny? Now that sounded like bliss.

A month of after school detentions with Danny? Now that sounded like bliss

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written by patreece / 05.08.18

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