III| Fated Encounters

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Apologies for the late update.

I'm late, I'm late, I'm so late. ><


"I'm late, I'm late, I'm so late."

The azure eyed male rushed as much as he could while still trying to look presentable soon in front of his so called one year old student, mumbling under his breath all the way, speeding past gorgeous views that would normally make him pause a step and take in the beautiful scenery that could be gazed upon one of the large windowless holes engraved into the wall but he was now a teacher.

A very late one, at that.

Screw speed walking.
The wheat haired boy threw all caution of people seeing his unruly state and began sprinting through the large halls, extremely grateful for once how big this palace was. It saves time having to apologize for knocking over random people standing in his way.



In his haste to rush to the assigned meeting destination, the blond rammed head first into someone.
"Who are you?" He asked, his sky blue eyes that many would love to have narrowed as the girl in front of him's widened in what? Joy? Excitement?

"Oh my gosh!" She squealed at a very confused looking alchemist, "you're Niccolo Scarlatti aren't you? Great job! You're number eight on my list!" While getting up without help, she began shaking the poor already late teacher's hand despite his exasperated protests against staying here any longer.
"Are you single?"

Okay, that did it. "Excuse me?" He yanked his hand out of her grasp sharply before stepping past the white haired girl, "who are you anyways? And I do not accept marriage proposals. I've already six on my short way here and I will surely refuse another!"

"Oh, how silly of me!" She giggled while the azure eyed boy merely rolled his orbs, impatiently waiting for her answer.
"Bianca Senshi no Kokoro!"
Nodding, he excused himself while backing away from that crazy female, "nice to meet you, Mrs. Kokoro, I would love to stay for a while longer but I have pressing matters to attend. Good day." He thought that those words were enough to hint that he was definitely not interested but that pesky seven year old hounded after him like an oblivious dog.

"So, what are you doing today? Got any plans?" For someone who has been known for her high IQ and quick wits, this girl's an idiot, he thought drily, unamused at the way she was now grabbing onto his arm like a leech, refusing to let go despite his subtle attempts to pry her off.

"Yes I do have plans, I am a tutor so please let go of me," he replied as politely as he could, trying his hardest to refrain from bashing her head in with his fists or spraying a anti-gravity potion on her so she could float off into a place where her and her blabbing mouth would never be heard from again. He very well would've done exactly that if not for her family's power.
The Scarlattis were quite recognizable due to their alchemist son who has a type of affinity no mage pursued for its difficulty and so called uselessness on the battle field. The description was quite right when the alchemist is in his or her beginner levels but as they rise higher, everything becomes startling powerful. His entire family including his twin sister, Yirumi all were powerful elementalists so anyone could imagine their surprise when their only son chose to study the chemistry arts. They used to shun him, abandon him but now he was stronger. And he didn't need to depend on anyone else.

"Oops, Sorry," she giggled as she finally unlatched her arm from his, as the wheat haired boy began walking faster in high hopes that she would abandon her quest for his attention to no avail.

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