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*Finn's Age: 18*

Marceline's P.O.V

"You know, when I said I want us to spend more time together, this isn't quite what I had in mind" I admit, feeling a little disappointed even though I'm still enjoying the moment just by having him here with me.

"I know, Marcy" My boyfriend nods in understanding, "But think of how much fun it'll be for us to adventure into the unknown together! Not to mention the fact that we're all alone out here."

He winks at that last bit and I nearly blush at his flirting. I huff and give him a kiss on the lips, Finn always knowing how to sweet talk me.

"The things you do to me, Finn" I sigh, shaking my head and trying to dispel any of the hesitance I have for continuing onward.

"Oh, don't tempt me, Marcy. Because I'm willing to do a whole more if you'll let me~" Finn flirts, nearly making me blush for the second time in a row.

I swear, I think I rubbed off on him too much as to where now he's the charmer and sensual-speaking one in our relationship and I'm not, the roles being easily reversed a number of months ago.

"Where do we need to be going again?" I ask, trying to get my mind off his flirting.

"Here" Finn stops, holding out the map and pointing to a spot marked by a circle, "That's where all the unusual power surges are coming from."

Leave it to Bonnibel to be monitoring such boring things as power surges throughout Ooo and to see that one area on the map, that's supposedly part of the Dark Forest, is the cause of it. Also leave it to Bonnibel to send Finn out to see if there's something there that wasn't marked correctly on the map, which in turn became our Friday plans out together. Honestly, the news doesn't surprise me since this official map of Ooo is so outdated that it's probably the same one that was used a couple hundred years ago. They really need to redo this with some scouting parties and update it to match the current day, but I guess that's what we're doing right now anyway, which doesn't really make this any more fun. I was hoping we'd do dinner out, a movie, and some making out in bed with maybe getting a little touchy with each other depending on how far we'd both would want to go, but I guess I'll have to table most of that for another time.

"Oh, well that's splendid. Nothing says a romantic walk out with your partner like taking a stroll through the most evil forest ever recorded in Ooo history. Fantastic" I remark, not even trying to hide my heavy sarcasm.

Finn smiles sympathetically at me and puts the map away in his pack, the both of us resuming our walk and heading towards the fast-approaching forest. I don't particularly want to go in there, especially since Finn's the only one who's carrying a weapon, but we keep walking and walking in that direction until we're inside. The trees are so tightly packed together and the air so thin that I feel like I'm getting claustrophobic. It also doesn't help that the air is sickly sweet in the sense that it'll make your brain go numb and leave you susceptible to monsters attacking you.

"Finn, is there any way we can go around? This place is quickly getting torturous" I speak up.

"Well, I don't...." He pauses, then coming to a realization, "Actually there is a way. Would you mind flying us up and out of here so we can just hover over the treetops?"

I gladly smile, immediately picking him us and soaring us through the tops of the trees in no time. I then keep a hold of him as he takes the map back out and politely instructs me on where to fly, to which I happily oblige. You see, this right here is more of my style, taking the non-traditional route and being able to hold the boy I love while doing it.

"It should be over...there" He points, the two of us then at a loss for words when we look and see that the forest ends and the remains of a small human city lie ahead.

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