(Ch.7) Nightmares

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"How about truth or dare?" Undyne suggested.

Everyone agreed. So we all took our seats, Sans, Frisk, and Alphys sat on the couch and Undyne, Papyrus and I sat on the floor around the couch. "I should go first since I suggested it." Everyone agreed.

     "Frisk, truth or dare."

"Um, dare."

Undyne smirked. "Let the person on your left draw on your face with a marker."

Frisk sighed as Sans chuckled and teleported a marker in his hand. Sans popped the cap off and started drawing, he was in the way so no one could see. Once he was done everyone bursted out laughing. Sans gave Frisk a unibrow and a curly mustache. He also drew a monicule on Frisk's right eye and some random scribbles on her cheeks.

"Real creative." I joked.

"eh, i ran outta ideas."

"This is gonna come off right?" Frisk asked.

"yeah of cou-... oops."


"uh, i used a permanent marker. my bad."

     Frisk looked pissed.

     Everyone had their turn Undyne asked Frisk. Frisk asked Sans. Sans asked Alphys. Alphys asked me. I asked Papyrus. Papyrus asked Undyne. There wasn't really anything special about the truths and dares. But it was still fun.

We played more games. Sans told puns, some laughing, some groaning. After all of that, it eventually came time for bed. We all brought sleeping bags and we were going to sleep in the living room, and Sans and Papyrus are going to sleep on the couch just in case we need help. Papyrus gave us all pillows to make our sleeping bags more comfortable. We all thanked him and laid down to sleep. I eventually drifted off.
     I had woken up in my bed at Toriel's house. But it wasn't me moving. I walked in the living room and Toriel was there. I asked her if I could leave. She got up and ran downstairs, I followed her. We reached the end of the ruins and fought. But I pressed fight. I had killed her. I felt a smile on my face.

     One by one, I killed them all. Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton. Only one more. I walked in a hall. I didn't bother looking around. I just wanted to kill him. I stopped when he appeared in front of me.

     "heya, you've been busy huh?"

     I didn't say anything.

     "well lemme ask you something. do you think even the worst person could change? that everyone could be a good person if they just try?"

     I just laughed in response. He WaS jUsT aS sTuPiD aS hIs BrOtHeR.

     Without another word I jumped at him and tried to slash him with my knife. It seemed to have caught him off guard because he gasped and barely dodged it. But I knew all of his tricks so instead of stopping I just kept slashing my knife. He would get tired of dodging eventually and I wouldn't have even broken a sweat. After about five minutes straight of this I finally caught him off guard long enough for me to strike him.

     He gasped, his eyesockets black. He chuckled as he coughed up blood. Then he turned to dust, his jacket fell to the ground. Now was my turn to laugh. I laughed and laughed. Not stopping for anything. This was just so fun.

     I ended up in a black void. There was a little child with short brown hair and a green sweater. Their most obvious feature being their bright red eyes. "YoU kIlLeD tHeM aLl. ThErE iS nOtHiNg To Go BaCk To. YOU DID THIS."

     It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulder, and I was actually me again. Realizing what I had done I fell to my knees crying. Why did I do this? What was the point? What? Why?

     "WhY dId YoU dO tHis?"
     I quickly sat up with a gasp. I look around, okay I'm still at Sans and Papyrus's house. I could feel the tears streaming down my face and the sweat pouring down my forehead. I covered my face with my trembling hands silently crying.

     "Y/N?" I heard a familiar deep voice whisper behind me.

     "Y-yeah S-Sans?" I tried to hide the trembling in my voice.

     When Sans heard my voice I could hear him get off the couch and walk closer to me. I could feel him stop behind me. After a minute he put a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. "Y/N, are you ok?"

     Damn, no one could hide anything from him no matter how hard they tried. I shook my head no, I couldn't bring myself to speak. "do ya wanna talk about it?"

     I hesitantly nodded. "lets head outside so we don't wake anyone."

     I wiped some of my tears and Sans helped me up. We walked towards the door, heading outside and sitting on the doorstep. "I didn't wake you did I?"

     "that doesn't matter right now. what happened?"

     I let out a breathy sigh, preparing myself. "I had a nightmare. I woke up but it was like I was being controlled." I looked away from Sans, not wanting to look at him as I said this. "I-I killed e-everyone. Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, y-you. I-I enjoyed it, every minute of it." Tears started to form in my eyes. "I-I didn't want to. I'm so sorry. I, I-" Now I was full out bawling my eyes out.

     I heard shuffling next to me. I was about to look but I was engulfed into a hug. I tensed slightly but hugged back. I cried into his shoulder as he started rubbing my hair. "hey it's ok. everyone here is ok. they are all in there, alive and well. you wouldn't hurt anyone."

     We just sat there the rest of the time in silence, except for my crying. Once I calmed down Sans spoke up. "hey Y/N no more skulking, ok?" Sans whispered into my ear.

     I chuckled and nodded slightly with a sniffle. Sans was actually pretty warm, I couldn't help it when my eyes started shutting and I fell asleep.

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