day 017: I want to but I couldn't

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day 017:

I want to but I couldn't

I want to

drunk call or drunk text you,

because me and my co-trainees

are celebrating tonight

but I'm afraid to even chat you

you'll just ignore me.

I want to call you

and tell you things I'm dying to tell,

"babe, I'm drunk"

"babe, I love you"

"babe, I miss you a lot"

"babe, can we call?"

"babe, I miss the sound of your voice"

"babe, did you miss me?"

but I know I'll just receive

a reply

that will make my heart cry.

I'll end up chatting

with my online friends

and to my drunk friends here,

guy friends and girl friends,

here and there,

I'll talk to them because

I can't talk to you,

leaving a message is okay,

trying to call you is way much better

but I couldn't.

I'll just cheer myself up,

I have

freedom to be honest,

right to express,

friends to listen to me tonight,

what are friends for?

I'm writing better now,

day by day it will be happier,

because one day, we will be over

and this will be over,

so I have to write in my happiest tone.

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