Chapter 2

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Keith groaned when he got back to his apartment. He ran a hand through his neat hair, messing it up in frustration. He stripped off his jacket and messenger bag before going to his drawing desk. He had two days to present what he had and so far he had nothing.

He taped his pencil on his sketchbook, staring at the blank paper. Come on ideas! Nothing. He huffed and got up, going over the the shelf of models of past buildings he's done. They were all so different. His signature was that he had no signature. Every architect would always have something common in their designs. Arches, time period inspiration, or whatever. Not Keith. He didn't care about having something that let people know it was him. He wanted it to be a timeless piece that will be admired for years to come. Never to be seen as out of style.

His phone began to ring. "Yes Mr. Holsing." He said politely when he answered. "How's that sketch?" He asked gruffly. "Its coming along nicely." He liked confidently. Mr. Holsing was an ass who hated Keith because he was gay. He's always looking for a reason to fire him and Keith refused to give him one. "It better be." He said then hung up. Keith rolled his eyes and put his phone on silent.

He needed to concentrate on his design. He played country music to fill the silence as he worked. He hated complete silence, it irked him. He grew up in a noisy house so it made sense. He loved hiding in his father's office to read, but he could still hear either Micha's music blaring, Sabel and Sabrina arguing, or his parents talking and laughing in the lounge. It was never quiet. Being alone made the silence unbearable.

He wouldn't be alone if he gave in to the two dominant men he has after him. He bit his lip, his cock hardening instantly. Damn it, his mind screamed. His body probably hated him for not giving into his wants and needs. Chloe claimed he was a masochist for torturing himself like this. Unlike his sister, he was fully into the BDSM lifestyle and he did like pain when he had sex but he can honestly say, this wasn't fun. He hated not having the feel of a cock in him, or in his case, two. He wanted that double penetration but he couldnt bring himself to cave.

His mind screamed, James already knows about Alex. But he didn't know about Donnie. After what happened to Sabel's bar, Keith wasn't going to take any chances of the bookstore getting burned down, or worse. His mind scoffed at him, telling him James probably already knows about Donnie. It was all so confusing, it gave him a headache.

He put the pencil in the holder before getting up. He made himself a cup of tea before going over to the wall of windows that over look the city. He had one of the best views, but it wasn't the view he wanted. He wanted to see bookshelves with a man of dark skin naked in front of the fireplace while a man with sun tanned skin holding him, making his pale skin pink. Keith closed his eyes and groaned softly. How much more torture was he going to take?

After he finished his tea he took a quick shower. He was walking from his bathroom to his bedroom with only a towel when there was a knock on his door. He opened it without looking at the peep hole first.

His across the hall neighbor, Tiffany Porter, stood on the other side wearing a short skirt and halter top. Her eyes ran over his body and he sighed, "Can I help you Tiffany?" "I'm having a party tonight at my place. Want to come?" She asked seductively. This was a usual Friday thing. He tried to explain that he was gay but he never proved to her that he was so she has been relentless. If he'd been straight, he still wouldn't have sex with her. He wasn't in to one night stands, he wanted a relationship.

A relationship with two very stubborn, sexy, men to be precise. "I'm sorry Tiffany, but I had some work I need to catch up on." He told her honestly. She pouted her plump lips, "You always say that." Keith sighed, "I know, but it's true. Sorry." She left and he shut the door before going to his room to lay down, throwing the towel in the hamper.

Why can't the world just leave me alone, he asked as he put his hands behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling. Donnie and Alex came into his head and he smiled softly. Okay not entirely alone, he thought. Despite all the sexual advances they've made, they're also understanding, charming, and pure gentlemen. They were perfect, and he doesn't want James to ruin that.

He knows they can handle themselves, Alex proving that many times, but he doesn't know what he would do if either got hurt because of him. He rolled over and his eyes went to the photo of Alexander and Donald on his nightstand. Keith stood between them blushing and covering his face with his hands as they kissed his cheeks under the mistletoe last Christmas.

Everyone in his family was pushing them to be together. Not everyone, he corrected. Nikolia was giving him space on the matter. He understands wanting to keep space to protect those you love. He tried to keep away from Chloe but she was tempting, his words of course. Alex and Donnie were very tempting he just hopes he can find the strength to continue to keep them at bay just a little longer. James will show, and when he does Keith will make sure he regrets it. James has caused to much pain, and Keith will make sure no one else gets hurt.

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