Chapter 12

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The next day Keith felt like he was dying. Nikolia and Bradley tried getting him out of bed when mom started banging on the pot but the idea of moving hurt. He felt like he was freezing but he knew he was running a fever. His throat burned and his nose felt clogged.

"If you're not up in two seconds Keith." Dad said from the door, bucket of water ready. At that moment a cough tore through Keith and he whimpered in pain. Cole sat down the bucket of water and felt his forehead. He was running a high fever. "Nevermind. I'll send Alex up with a cup of tea with honey." Cole placed a kiss on his forehead before leaving.

"Where's Keith?" Danteous asked from the table. "In bed. He's got the flu." Cole said as he went into the kitchen. "Probably got it when you three pushed him in the pool last night." Becca said giving, while crossing her arms and looking at the triplets. "You did what?" Viviana asked them. "We didn't think he'd get sick." Eliot tried. "The heater for the pool is broken so you pushed him into cold water." Danteous told them. Alexander and Donald had gotten up at the mention of Keith being sick.

Cole handed Alex a cup of warm tea. Alexander took the tea and Donald's hand as they went up the stairs. Keith was curled up in his bed shivering. Donald sat next to him and Alexander helped him sit up so he could drink the tea. "I'm going to make you take a cold bath to get your fever down." Alexander told him. Keith whined but that was the only protest he gave.

He downed the tea and then Alexander picked him up and carried him into the bathroom. He sat him on the counter and started the water. Alexander closed the lid of the toilet so Donald could sit down. Once the tub was filled Alexander took off the shorts he slept in and put him in the water. Keith let out a whine but he stayed in. "I'll be right back." Alexander said before leaving. Donald began running his fingers through Keith's hair and Keith leaned into his touch.

When Alexander came back he had a warm towel and pajamas from the dryer. He helped Keith out dried him off before getting him dressed. Keith held up his arms, feeling to weak to walk. Alexander gave him a smile and picked him up. Keith rested his head on his shoulder. Donald laid in bed with him while Alexander went to go get him something to eat.

His mom was in the kitchen laddeling some chicken and stars into a bowl, "Here it's his favorite. When he's sick he doesn't want to eat so you'll have to force him." Alexander took it and a glass of water upstairs. Keith loved that his mom made him soup but he wasn't hungry. "You have to at least eat half." Alexander told him. Keith pouted but didn't say anything. He ate quietly, occasionally coughing between bites. Donald hated hearing him whimper after each cough.

Alexander took the bowl and handed him his water. He took a few drinks to try and help the burning in his throat. It didn't. Feeling satisfied Alexander let him lay back down. Keith laid his head on Donald's chest. Donnie wrapped his arms around him. Alexander went back downstairs. Micha and Becca were in the kitchen. She gave him a pointed look while crossing her arm.

His hung and he turned to Alexander, "I'm sorry for pushing Keith into the pool and getting him sick." "It's okay." Alexander told him while washing the bowl. "How is he doing?" Mom asked when she came in. "He hurts and despite a cold bath his fever is still high. He's laying down with Donald right now. I managed to get him to eat half the bowl."

"He'll probably sleep all day. If his fever isn't down by tomorrow we'll have to take him to the doctor." She sighed. Alexander nodded. She then held up a glasses case, "His glasses came in." Alexander nodded and took the case before going back upstairs.

He laid on the other side of them. Keith was out like a light while Donald held him. Alexander gave Donald a soft kiss before kissing Keith's forehead. He was still hot and it had Alexander worried. Keith usually didn't get sick, but when he did it wasn't something easy to get over. Last time Keith got sick he couldn't keep anything down for three days and he had to go to the hospital because he was too dehydrated. Alexander was happy that he was at least keeping food down but his fever was really high.

When Keith woke up he was surrounded by strong arms on either side. He wasn't able to sit up and move away from them so he quickly brought his hands to his mouth to cough. Disgusting, but he didn't want to cough on them. Alexander helped him sit up and take a drink of water.

"Do you need anything?" Donald asked him. "Something cold for my throat." He said, but his voice was rough. Alexander nodded and got up to go get him something. They were still grounded and weren't allowed to have junk food or he'd give him ice cream. He looked in the fridge and found a thing of vanilla yogurt with a sticky note that had Keith's name on it.

Alexander grabbed it and went back upstairs. Donald was craddling Keith while leaning against the head board. "Here." Alexander said. "Thank you." Keith said taking it from him. Alexander felt his forehead, "If it's not down tomorrow morning, you're going to the doctor." Keith whined, he hated the doctor. From the look on Alexander's face, he knew there was no getting out of it.

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